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Being home In Minneapolis was relieving, but it made me anxious at the same time. Felicity was just waking up from a nap when I took my headphones off. "Did we land?" She asked. "Yup. Let's get our stuff." I grabbed my suitcase and she grabbed hers and we walked off the plane. My car was here and waiting for us and low and behold it was still snowing. I sighed and got into the car with Felicity who was already shivering. "You weren't lying when you said it was cold." She said. "I told you. That's why you got some new stuff." Felicity put her new puffer jacket on and slipped on her seat belt as we were driving. She was looking out the window at all the skyscrapers. "Wow. It's huge." She whispered.

I snickered. "That's what I figured you said when-" "Don't go there, Prince." She said playfully. I took her hand and leaned back. Felicity was so amazed by my city. "You grew up here?" "Yup." I said to her. "I moved around a lot. I lived in New York with my older sister for a little while. Then I came back. Minnesota is always my home." I said to her. We stopped at a redlight and Felicity unrolled the window getting pelted in the face by snow. She quickly rolled up the window. "Ahhhh." She said wiping her face off. I snickered again. "Yeah, baby don't...don't do that." "I know that now." She took her seatbelt off and laid her head in my lap.

Felicity sat up. It was like she couldn't stay still and she was looking out my window now. "Is there a mural of you here somewhere?" She asked. "Mm, not yet. Maybe one day." She was looking at all the shops as we were in downtown Minneapolis now. My former playground that had my favorite record store and music shop where I bought my first guitar. "It's so nice here." Felicity kept saying. "Maybe one day I could show you my city. It's hot there." "Hey, I like that better than the cold." I said as I stroked her hair. "Where do you live?" "It's a little ways out of Minneapolis. I live in Chanhassen." I said. She went back to her seat to look out her window again. Seeing her so excited over Minneapolis was the funniest thing. It made me think that her city didn't have much.

"Where are you from?" I asked her. "Lake Charles, Louisiana. But I didn't live there." I hadn't heard of Lake Charles before from my dad. Just of New Orleans and how...interesting...it was. Especially during the 30s. Felicity moved over to my seat as we were exiting Minneapolis and turned her head to look out the back window. "Hmm." She said. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Can we go back there while we're here?" She sounded so interested in something. "Yeah, we can. We can go tonight if you want." Her smile was ear to ear. She had something planned.

The drive between Minneapolis and Chanhassen was something that didn't grasp her attention as much. "This is kind of like the drive from where I lived to Lake Charles. Lots of trees and a Highway. A few gas stations." Felicity said. "We're gonna get more stuff between here. Maybe some small stores. Just to fill in the space." I told her. Felicity laid on my shoulder. "We're on the same time zone as Louisiana. I gotta get used to that for a little bit." She said. "It's not so bad. LA is two hours behind us. You might be going to bed earlier. I gotta get used to it, too." I reassured her.

When we arrived in Chanhassen, she began to talk again. "This town reminds me of my hometown. It's smaller, but has about the same shops just about." She looked past my head to look out my window. For some reason, her talking kept my head out of the sadness I was feeling in my heart. Dad was my hero, he was my biggest hero and my biggest inspiration. I took her hand as I was starting to remember everything. Felicity kissed me as the car came to a stop at my house. We got out of the car and got our bags out of the trunk. It wasn't snowing in Chanhassen, but it had just about an hour before. I could tell by how far my feet sunk into the snow.

I unlocked the door and we headed inside. Felicity was looking around. "It's one story. Why is your house bigger in LA?" I smiled. "You'll see why when we go to my studio." I told her. Felicity I was walking around and wheeling her suitcase to look into each room before going to my bedroom. I had to meet up with family first thing in the morning, but I wasn't sure what time. I guess I'd play it by ear. Felicity took her jacket off and climbed into my freshly made bed. Thankfully a couple of the Paisley staff helped me out with tidying the house up before we got here.

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