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I woke up knowing that today was going to be interesting. Felicity was going to be sketching out the painting for me and I was going to try to set up a swimming session for the afternoon. I wanted it to be at the hottest part of the dah so I could just float in the water and almost fry in the sun. I got out of bed and went to take a shower and as I was getting out, there was a knock at the door. I wrapped myself up in a towel and opened it to se Felicity standing there in her pajamas. "Hey, I know it's early. I was going to make us breakfast before we got started and I wanted to know what you'd like." I stood there awkwardly, half naked, and half asleep. "Uh, I like...pancakes." I told her. "Do you want juice or milk or tea?" She asked with her hands behind her back.

I scratched my neck. "Uh, tea is fine. I like it with a little bit of cream." I told her. I could tell she had just woken up, probably went to the bathroom, and walked here. I didn't mind it, I was just so not ready for all this energy this morning. "You got it." She ran off across the yard to their house and I cocked an eyebrow before shutting the door. I remember yesterday she specifically wanted me to wear a shirt with buttons so I threw that on with some dress pants. I wasn't really sure what she had planned. She was the artist after all. I zipped up my heels and put some foundation and eyeliner before walking over to Felicity's. I knocked first and it only took a few seconds for her to open the door. "Glad you're here. Breakfast is ready." She said. I walked into the house behind her and smelled eggs and bacon, but when I walked to the table I saw the thickest stack of pancakes on a plate. My stomach growled.

I sat down and Felicity placed her plate on the table in Johnny's normal spot and walked into the kitchen for one last time to grab my tea and her coffee. She sat it beside me and I picked it up for a sip. It was perfect. Her coffee cup was quite big and she needed to hands for it. She sat her cup down and picked up her fork. "Did you sleep well?" She asked me. "Yeah, I did.....did you?" I cut into my pancakes with my fork and took a bite. "Yeah I slept-" "Mmm." I moaned. Felicity cocked her eyebrow at me. "Something wrong?" She asked. "No...fuck no." I said as I chewed. Felicity seemed surprised. "This is so good. It tastes like cake."

Felicity laughed. "I guess that new recipe is good. It told me to try using cake batter with a little bit of pancake and-" "Mmm, sorry. Damn these are good." I said again. We were eating in silence but every bite
was the best thing ever. When we were done she took my dish and I followed her into the kitchen. "So, do you like cooking?" I asked her. "I like making things for people." She said. I leaned against the counter and watched her clean up. I noticed that the bandages were gone and were replaced with bandaids and that's when it hit me. When I saw her that's immediately after her most recent attempt. I shrugged the thought off as she wiped her hands off. "Okay, go upstairs and unbutton your shirt half away. I got everything set up upstairs."

I went upstairs and started unbuttoning my shirt, hearing Felicity coming not long after. I looked around at the set to see that the curtain was open and under the window was a bunch of bean bags and a blanket. I walked over to the bean bags and sat on them. "Can you take your heels off?" She asked as she moved her canvas. I leaned down to unzip them and take them off, along with my socks and put them out of her view. "Have you posed nude before?" She asked. I blushed. "About 10 years ago." "Can you do it again?" She asked picking up some brushes. "You don't have to lay naked. You can have something covering your lower half." Felicity looked around and picked up a satin sheet. "I'll turn around." She said. Felicity turned around to dig into a draw of paint and I quickly stripped down and laid on the bean bags. I draped the satin over my crotch, but decided to leave a tuft of pubic hair out.

"I'm ready." I said. She turned around and sat her paint down before coming over to me. Felicity was arranging my shirt to where the left side of my chest was showing more and she took my right hand to lay across my chest while the other one laid very lightly on my stomach. Her hands gently held my face and she wiped something from my eye before blowing on my cheek. "Okay now lay back." She said as she walked behind the canvas and picked up a charcoal pencil. I laid my head back making sure the satin fabric wasn't revealing too much and I heard the charcoal moving against the fabric.

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