Prologue Ominous

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              Your vision fades as a knife sticks from your abdomen. You had massive open wounds covering your body. Blood soaking your uniform and the ground around you as you gasped for air. Bright green intense eyes appeared in your field of vision, fear rising in your stomach. Not for you, but for Katsuki and Kirishima. It was a matter of time before they arrived to rescue you and the green haired menace in front of you had every intention to use you to his advantage.
            "Why the long face doll? Aren't you happy with your new partner? I'm ten times the man both of your old lovers could be." An evil grin creeped across his face as he licked his lips, looking up and down your body. The look on his face causing bile to rise up from your gut. You hunched over and wretched, wincing as the sudden moment made your body sting. Your arm rose shakily, wiping your mouth. You smirked, coughing as blood runs down your cheek.
           "I will NEVER love you the way I love them. You can hurt me all you want, but I will never betray my Kaachan and Kiri." Absolute fury washed over his face. He grabbed your throat, squeezing till black spots clouded your vision. He threw you hard against the wall and your vision goes completely black, your body numb nothing but darkness surrounded you. You knew this was it, you were dying.

       -Come on baby come on. Be okay.- Bakugou's face twisted in worry as he and Kirishima ran through the corridors of the warehouse. Kirishima practically a basket case as he weaved through rubble and  ramming through what he couldn't dodge.
          "How did he even find her? Why on earth would she go alone?" Bakugou grits his teeth as he stops in the middle of the warehouse, he felt your presence, you were close.
          "We should have never let her out of our sight Kirishima. He can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. This way come on!" Bakugou and Kirishima jet down the hallway, dread filling their stomach as blood begins to splatter the walls. They come to a big open space and they knew that this was where you were. The moment they stepped foot out into the open, rows of lights turned on one by one. With each row, more and more blood was revealed. THe last row illuminated showing your lifeless body strewn across the floor in a heap. Their bodies moved on their own as they screamed your name,, rushing to you in an instant. The both slid to a stop on their knees, chests rising rapidly as their mind struggled to comprehend the state you were in. You had gashes all over your body, blood stained every pieces of clothing and Made your hair look dyed brown. Under the dried blood, your face was pale white and eyes sunken in. Bakugou scooped you up and Kirishima began to panic. He ran his hands through his hair as he clutches his chest. Bakugou gently slaps your face as you eyes very hazily open.
        "Y/n come on baby. Open your eyes, come on...." Your eyes open for a minute, your voice comes out almost distorted.
          "B...Bakugou.....K....Kirishima. No, have to get out of here, he will......kill....." Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your body grows limp. Bakugou loses his composure.
        "Y/n.....Y/N!!!!! Baby, BABY PLEASE!!!! Don't..don't do this to us, god please...." Bakugou and Kiri sob over the top of your body when Bakugou's ears pick up shuffling in the distance. In an instant before Kirishima can react, he sets you down and takes off with inhuman speed to the figure in the dark. He grips the collar as bright green eyes stare back at him.
        "Hello, Kaachan, doesn't doll look pretty? I cut her up real nice just for......ack" Bakugou strikes the person with a point blank AP shot. Knocking him out in an instant. He chains the man up and step back.
       "Izuku......" He turns and runs back to you, carrying you in his arms as Kirishima follows close behind. Police begin to file in as Izuku comes to.
     "I'll get you back Kaachan. I'll get you back by taking the one thing in this world you can't live without. Mark my words, you wont be able to keep them safe for long." Deku yelled as he fought the fellow heroes and police trying to detain him. Bakugou gulped as he looked down at you.
     -I have to keep her safe, keep both of them safe.- Bakugou reached the paramedics and handed you off. Lost in thought as He enters the car with Kirishima, following close behind the ambulance. The minute Kirishima sits in the car tears start streaming down his face.
     "Bakugou I....." Bakugou grabs Kirishima's hand as he feels tears brimming his eyes as well.
     "I know Kiri, I think it's time we all retire. This was too close of a call. It's time we call a quits, for her sake."
     -I have to protect them no matter what.-

Myths in Reality {Bakugou x Kiri x Reader} {Indie/Creepy pasta AU} Where stories live. Discover now