Chapter 1 Aftermath

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              The birds chirped as your eyes hazily opened to the bright morning sun shining in through your window. Your same nightmare had plagued your mind in the night, well, you called it a nightmare but in reality it was a memory. The night everything changed that permanently retired you from working. You scooted to the edge of your bed and reached for your prosthetic next to your bed side. You sighed as you attached the leg where your once healthy limb resided. The damage from that night so sever, it caused you to have to amputate your left leg. Kirishima exited the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. He immediately rushed to your side to help you up.
      "I am okay Kiri, I am not as fragile as you think." Kiri sighed as h backed off just a touch and rubbed the back of his neck.
       "Don't let him catch you saying that." You sighed and rolled your eyes, scoffing at your fire headed partner.
      "I'll tell him myself!" A raspy voice comes from the shadows of the hallway outside.
       "Tell me what exactly?" You gulped as your other partner stood in the door way. His eyes were fierce and they were fixated on you. He crossed his arms as you looked up at him with a nervous smile. He grumbled as he walked over to you and picked you up bridal style, you squirmed and pouted in his arms.
       "Stop babying me, I am more than capable of walking on my own Bakugou." Katsuki grunted as he looked down at you, Kirishima following close behind.
        "It's Katsuki, and you over did yourself yesterday, the doctor said you can't do too much in the beginning. Your body hasn't quite adjusted to the prosthetic yet, after what Kirishima and I both went through, please....just let us baby you." Your gaze softened as you looked up, seeing the evident worry and pain in his face made you swallow any future defiant words in that moment. Katsuki sat you on the stool at the kitchen counter as Kirishima came up behind you, draping his arms over your shoulders and kissing your cheek, nuzzling into it.
       "Shouldn't you two be getting ready for work?" Katsuki opens the fridge to grab the eggs and milk. He turns to face you as he crosses his arms.
        "Both Ei and I were given Medical leave as you adjust to your prosthetic. We may not be heroes anymore, but the commission takes good care of us." You rolled your eyes.
         "You two are Ming this a bigger deal than it is. I am fine. You guys shouldn't leave your kids." Kirishima walked towards the front of the counter to help with breakfast as he sighed.
         "Yeah, I do miss them but, they should be fine while me make sure you are okay." Kirishima had taken the position as guidance counselor at Ua while Bakugou became the gym coordinator and hand to hand combat specialist for the school as well. They were assured they would no longer be heroes and be able to carry out their new jobs as such. They even go by aliases at the school to further protect you. They had originally planned to take you and flee to the States but with your medical complications they were forced to stay here under extreme supervision and protection. You grumbled as you picked up the ends of your hair and picked at the split ends. You were effectively and permanently retired from doing anything. The damage done by Izuku had been devastating to not only the leg you lost but your nervous system as well, you found yourself going crazy being in the house and had taken up to reading about urban legends and blogging about them. Nothing to help bring in a steady income however.
       "Teddy-bear, you have to stop this tough it out mentality. The injuries that......" Katsuki shook slightly as images of that night flashed thought his mind. "That bastard inflicted on you caused extensive damage. I know you wanna get a job too but please just, relax some. Let us take care of you, it's our job." You sighed as you hopped down from the stroll and walked over to the two of them and placed a tiny hand on each of their chests. Each o the men set a hand on your hip and pulled you in, leaning their foreheads to your shoulder.
      "I know, I know that night traumatized both of you. I know you blame yourselves but it wasn't your faults. I am the one who went out on my own when I shouldn't have. Quit beating yourselves up and spreading yourselves thin because of this okay? I am not the only one that needs to take care of themselves. You two need to as well. So please, just, ease up a bit okay?" Goosebumps covered your body as Katsuki kissed your neck. Kirishima gripped your hip and pulled you in closer to him, taking your lips into his. As they parted, his tongue met yours, butterflies erupting in the pit of your stomach. Katsuki's lips moved down to your collar bone as both men picked you up by your ass and sat you on the counter.
      "Boys? What? Mppph." It was Katsuki's turn to take your lips and Kirishima rose a hand under the hem of your shirt, nipping the base of your collar bone. Katsuki was the first to come to his senses, he pushed back from you, breathe heated and his gaze full of want and need. He grabbed Kirishima by the back of his neck and pulled him off of you, both you and Kirishima practically whining at the lack of physical connection. All three of you gazed at one another for a second before Katsuki spoke.
        "Kirishima, why don't we go take a cool shower really quick. Can't.....we caan't do too much and if we don't stop now......." Katsuki and Kirishima met your gaze again as you licked your lips. The boys shifted their pants uncomfortably, groaning with frustration.
        "Damnit babe, you can't do that. Come on Kats." Kirishima grabbed Katsuki's arm, practically pulling him away from you. You sighed as you carefully hopped down off the counter landing lightly on your one good leg. You walked over to the pantry and took out the flour, the powdered sugar and vanilla extract. You began by sifting the dry ingredients and mixing the wet to start making the pancakes. As you were about to mix them together, the door bell ring.
       "Kats? Ei? Are either one of you able to take that?" No answer. You sighed as you dusted off your hands and made your way to the door......

Myths in Reality {Bakugou x Kiri x Reader} {Indie/Creepy pasta AU} Where stories live. Discover now