Chapter1 p2 Telegram

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*Ding Dong*
Both men immediately stopped what they were doing. They looked at each other with their pants hanging off their hips and still damp hair.
"Kats...was that....?" Bakugou raced down the stairs followed by Kirishima. They watched as your turned the handle yelling for you to stop. You turned to face them with a confused look on your face as you moved aside to reveal a very peculiar looking man.

You opened the door to a very weird little man. He seemed to be dressed as a mail carrier from the early 1920's. His eyes were beady and intense and his smile unsettling. He began to speak when you heard shouting behind you. Katsuki and Kirishima both landed at the bottom of the stairs on their feet with a large thud. Hair still damp, wearing nothing but a pair of sweats. You gazed at your boys with a look that said, "WTF are you doing?" They stopped in their tracks as they slowly trotted up to you.
"Baby..uh who is this?" You gestured to the man.
"HE was just about to tell me. How about you guys chillax." The two men walked up to you and stood right next to you. You turned to the peculiar man and nodded your head.
"As you were saying." You could almost feel the protective instincts radiating off the two men next to you.
"Yes good morning ma'am! I have a Telegram addressed to you!" Your eyes widened just a touch. Katsuki and Kirishima narrowed their eyes, glancing at one another. - Telegram? What are we in the Middle Ages? You smile sweetly and tilt your head.
"Well aren't you charming! I would love to hear it!" You push some hair behind your ear as Katsuki and Kirishima move in closer to you.
"Pebble, I don't think..." The man bows as a smile crawls across his face. He begins to dance an odd little jig, his tone of voice creepy and mesmerizing but yet....familiar.
"An adventure awaits those that seek a thrill! A series of games of sorts if you will. Many interesting people you will meet, many new places you shall seek! A series of halls that never ends! Mechanical creatures with tiny friends!" With every sentence, the man moves closer to you, dancing around and hopping and sliding, all the while pushing Katsuki and Kirishima farther and farther, non of you fully realizing what was happening.
"A man of education, wielding a ruler in his hand! A creature so grand, I'm sure you have seen him around. Towering tall above the ground. Only the strongest finish the game! It starts when you hear my name. With regards..." The man leans in towards you, a creepy smile falling across his face, his eyes shining a bright vermillion green. Your heart practically stops dread filling Katsuki as you hear him audibly gasp.
"Izuku Shigaraki." All time stops as you turn to face Katsuki and Kirishima. You reach for their hands as the man grabs your arm and jerks you away. Mist begins to crawl up your arms and drag you into it. KAtsuki and Kirishima grab onto your other arm getting sucked into the mist with you. Katsuki meets the mans gaze as he begins laughing psychotically.
"I warned you Kaachan!" He rips off the hat and wig and throws it to the side. "I warned you, you couldn't keep them safe for long. Try to protect them now in a word where the hunter is being hunted." Izuku's laugh echoed in Katsuki's ears as they completely descend into the portal, falling through the air. You can hear Katsuki and Kirishima, but can't see them.
"Y/n! Baby! Where are you! Talk to us!" Kirishima yelps, full panic evident in his voice.
"I am falling, I can't see you! What happened?!" The next voice to come through was Katsuki, he was scared. You could hear it.
"Y/n, please for the love of God try to reach my hand. You can't be alone in here!" You looked around but all you could see was darkness. You shook your head.
"Katsuki, I....I don't see it, I can't see anything!" You heard cursing and someone sniffling. Katsuki was.....he was crying... "Kats?"
"KAts are you okay?" Kirishima's voice was cracking too.
"Baby please, stay where you are, don't, don't move we will come to you. Just please please!! You can't be in here alone we don't know what we are walking into we don't......." His voice sounded nothing like the strong level headed Katsuki you knew. He was panicking.
"Kats baby, I will be okay. Stay safe, I will come and find you. Both of you, Kirishima, try to find Katsuki before me. He will need you more. We all used to be heroes. We can do this." A portal opened up underneath you as your foot began to sink into it.
"Y/n.....Y/n....Y/N PLEASE!!!!!" Katsuki screamed as you fell through the portal, landing wobbly on your feet on soft plush pale yellow carpet. You stand and begin to look around, taking in your surroundings. You are surrounded by a pale green kitschy wall papered walls and plush pale yellow carpet. The buzz of LED ceiling lights the only noise filling the air. The air was so stiff quiet, it was unsettling.
"Damn no service." You inhaled as you reached into your pocket, pulling out your phone and head phones. Scrolling you clicked on the song the three of you danced to the first night you spent together. All the way back when the three of you were in UA together. A look of determination washes over your face as you cautiously stretch your leg. You reach down and press a button as your prosthetic leg goes from looking like a plastic piece of junk to an armored solid steel mobile leg. The steel reaches into your quad, adhearing the limb seamlessly to your body. No signs of stiffness or pain in your leg. Th truth is, you had been training with Aizawa door this exact reason. You knew he would be back to finish the job and you wanted to be prepared. You stretch your arm and roll your shoulders.
       "Alright boys, I am coming." You take off down the first hallway with startling speed, as you turn the corner, you hear the faint sound of growling and clicking. You crouch immediately and peak around the corner to what looks like a spindly drippy monster shuffling along the the floor, dragging its leg behind it. It twitched and moved in a manor that made your hair stand on end. The walls and floor began to shake causing the creature to stop moving. A series of rapid fire explosions rang through the facility followed by an unmistakable scream.
         "Katsuki!!!" You whispered, fear filled your heart as the piercing scream echoed in your ears. This wasn't his normal scream, this was a pained scream, a scream or sheer terror and debilitating fear. A scream you have only heard the night Katsuki found you lifeless on the ground by the same person who sent you here. 

Myths in Reality {Bakugou x Kiri x Reader} {Indie/Creepy pasta AU} Where stories live. Discover now