Chapter2 It's me

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            -My quirk! If I activate it..- You activate your quirk as your eyes emit a bright blue hue. Katsuki stops in his tracks falling backwards on his butt.
           "I...It really is you? But, but that's impossible! I watched them," his eyes began darting around, struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. "I watched them take you and rip you apart! You and Kirishima! I have been here for days, weeks, I have been wandering. I have killed so many of those things after I watched them kill you and Kirishima in front of me!" You scooted forwards and You cupped his face as his eyes darted in a manic manner.
      "Katsuki Baby, what are you talking about? We just got here?" Katsuki backed up holding his head and shine it back and forth violently. He was spiraling and fast.
      " no no no no, it's not you. You didn't activate your quirk, I am just seeing things. It's a trick. I has to be. You are gone...gone..." You grabbed both sides of his face and spoke softly.
       "Katsuki, look at me sweetheart." His eyes met yours and his gaze softened. " Your mom's name is Mitzuki, your dad's name is Masuro. We started dating our second year of UA and danced the first time together at the hero gala. You and I were captured together by the LOV and I nearly died due to the person who sent us here. It's me baby. I am real." The moment you said these words, you activate your quirk as Katsuki gasped. His hand went from his hair to his chest, tears welled up in his eyes as his lip began to quiver.
       "It...It is you. Oh God......Oh my God...I...." He lunges forward causing you to flinch. You feel weight on your waist as you open your eyes, you realize Katsuki is clinging to your waist and began sobbing so hard he couldn't breathe. "I thought I lost you again. I watched you die. My worst nightmare had come true. Oh god, baby, where the hell have you been?" You clutched his head as he sobbed into you, speaking between sobs trying to catch his breath.
      "Katsuki, we just got here what on earth are you talking bout?" He raises his head and wipes his eyes, sniffling. He takes a deep shaky breath breath.
        "I have been here week wandering lost. You guys have been no where in sight and when I did find you, those things took you from me and ripped the two of you apart in front of me. I lost my mind, I went crazy, I still think you are some kind of hallucination I.... Mmmmppm" Your lips crashed against his as tears began to fall down his face. He moved his head to your shoulder and clung to your waist, nuzzling I tot he nape of your neck. You began to wrack your brain at what the telegram said.
      "A series of halls that never ends, different concepts of time, black dripping monsters, copy cat monsters, structures sticking out of walls. Green walls, yellow carpet and LED lights......dear God, we are in the backrooms." Katsuki sniffles and pulls back narrowing his eyes at you.
      "What did you just say?"  You gulped and began explaining. Counting on your fingers one by one.
      "The telegram said, a series of never ending halls. You know I have been blogging about myths and urban legends. The Backrooms, we have encountered dripping monsters, copy cat monsters, yellow carpet and green walls, clipping structures. The first place we ended up is the backrooms." Katsuki sighs and slumps backwards taking a deep breath.
      "That explains....a what we have to fins out way out to beat this?" You slowly nod your head.
      "Exactly, so I say we go out to the store and supplies up and head out to find Ei." Katsuki flinches at his name. "Think of it this way, if I am still alive, he has to be too. You okay to move?" He takes a heavy breath and rises to his feet wobbly. He reaches out his hand and helps you to your feet. The light reflects off your steel prosthetic leg and it catches his eye. You turn to walk out the door and he watches amazed as you don't limp, wince in pain, and our movements are smooth, no indication of pain. You open the door, looking back at him quizzically, when you notice his gaze is directed at your leg, your heart drops into your stomach.
         "I have....a lot to tell you...." He passes by you, the smell of caramel and charcoal filling your nostrils. You immediately head towards the back packs and grab one and begin filling it. Bakugou is behind you the entire time, shakily holding the hem of your shirt, constantly having physical touch with you. Turning, you face Katsuki and look into his eyes, really taking in his appearance for the first time. He looked to have lost about 20 lbs, scabbed over wounds and scratches covered his arms and his shirt was ripped in places. You took a look around and realized there was no opened food trash, none of the food or drinks had been touched in only God knows how long. Indicating that even though he had been residing here, he hadn't been eating or drinking.
       "Katsuki, come here." His eyes flickered to you as he hung his head and slowly began walking to you. He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes darting quickly around, searching for signs of danger in the darkness.
       "sit down with me honey." You grabbed his hands as he nodded quickly, you brought him down with you as the two of you sat cross legged across from each other. You grabbed and electrolyte drink and a pack of dehydrated meat. You opened it and the drink and held it out toKAtsuki, gesturing for him to take it. He sighed as he shakily took both items from your hands and began eating and drinking. You moved to stand and his eyes perked in slight panic. He relaxes as you began to examine his wounds. His hands were calloused over, scars of over use of his quirk evident up his arms. He sighs contently as he closes his eyes and leans into you.
       "Katsuki...."  His hand brings the drinks to his lips as he takes a slow slip. He takes a deep shaky breath, running his hand through his hair, he looked.....broken.
       "Thinking you and Kirishima had died and seeing it happen for broke me....Teddy Bear. I lost all will to survive, my reason for living was gone. If the monsters didn't take me....I....I was gonna do it myself." His voice shook with every word and the last sentence was almost a whisper. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your hair falling over his shoulders as he nuzzled into your cheek and kissed it tenderly.
      "Well, I am very much alive, and I am sure our Big Boulder is too. However, you should want to live for yourself too babe." You backed off and walked in front of him to pack more supplies. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his arms in an instant. He rose his hand to cup your cheek and placed his forehead against yours. His mouth open just slightly as his breath mixed with yours.
     "You and Kirishima are my reason for living. Don't ever doubt that, without you light in this world is gone.  I had already watched you almost die once, seeing it happen for real triggered something in me." You brushed your thumb against his cheek, just under his eye and sighed.
       "By the way....." Katsuki pulls back and gestures to your leg. "What the hell is that?"

Myths in Reality {Bakugou x Kiri x Reader} {Indie/Creepy pasta AU} Where stories live. Discover now