Chapter 1 p3 Finding Katsuki

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You heart rate elevates at what that scream could mean.
"I have to find him and quickly." You notice the creature begin to walk in the direction Katsuki's scream came from. You activate your quirk as your eyes turn blue and glow faintly. The monster's projected route appears mapped out on the ground below you. You crouch down and begin to follow the monster, though, you had no idea what you would be walking into.

I have to keep running. That scream, with who sent us here, I have to find Katsuki first. My feet slap across the cold floor. I started out in a carpeted area, but quickly fought several monsters on my way to find him. This place is....unsettling. I am worried it will quickly break Katsuki's resolve. I come to a big open room,I can hear those things growling in every corner. I don't know where we are, but we have to get out of here and get home. The deeper I run into the concrete room, the darker it gets, suspended street light pop up one by one. In the distance, a figure appears, instantly I recognize who it is. I walk slowly towards it, caution in every step.
"Amajiki-San, what are you doing here? Did Iz.......T...Tamaki?" As the figure turned, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. He had razor sharp teeth, his eyes were sunken in and solid black. Either something terrible happened to him or it was something pretending to be him. The creature tilts it's head, and snarls. In a moments notices it lunges, I harden in the nick of time and throw him over top of me.
"Kirishimmmmaaaaa......." The voice was scraggled and hoarse. "You will be too late Kirishima. THey are all ready dead......." My quirk deactivates as soul reaching pain erupts into my chest. My chest rise and falls as panic sets in.
"! You are wrong! You aren't even Tamaki! Move! I have two very important people to get to!!!" THe creature laughs as a sickening lie creeps across its face.
"Oh I am not wrong Kirishima." THe monster lunges at me again I don't harden in this this time and the creatures tongue extends from its mouth, the slime coating it dripping onto my face and body. "I would know....because I ate them myself!!!" I harden and punch the creature square in the jaw.


       You carefully continue to follow behind the monster. Your mind baffled by some of the things you have seen. Stairs that lead to no where, a pair of antlers that stick out of the wall. As you walk quietly down the corridor, creepy shadow hands reach for you, flailing rapidly. You stopped in your tracks as the next lights started to kick on, char marks cover the halls. You could tell you were getting close, tell tale signs of Katsuki's quirk surrounded you. The sweet scent of caramel hitting you like a freight train.
        -How could Katsuki cause this much damage in the few minutes we have been here?- The monster turned its head down another hallway, focusing on something else. The minute you saw it was safe, you began running. Your metal let making a soft clink against the carpet floor. Following the char marks, your anxiety rose. You passed completely destroyed walls and doors, lights that were hanging half way down the ceiling. Your heart drops to the pit of you stomach and you stop running. You come to a large opening with concrete floors, the walls completely black from Katsuki's quirk. The smell was that of death, hundreds of bodies of those drippy monster littered the ground.
         -Oh God.....Katsuki...sweetheart, where did you go?- The faint glow of a neon sign flicked in the distance. The concentration of bodies the heaviest near it. You gulped as you carefully stepped over the bodies, making your way towards the faint light source. The closer you got to it, you realized it was a dingy looking supermarket. Bodies piled up against the door, black goo and soot everywhere, blood dotting the windows as well.
     -Shit he is hurt, I hope this place has a first aid kit.- You entered the store and covered your mouth, shock evident on your face. The store shelves were thrown everywhere, tally marks were drawn on the walls along with yours and Kirishima's name.
     "K....Katsuki?" You took cautious steps to avoid the things littering the floor, pained sobbing echoed off the walls. The deeper you got into the store, the louder the sobbing got. You saw pieces of Katsuki's hair on the floor, like he had been ripping it out. You came to a single door in the back of the store, "Go away" scrawled across it. You gulped as you slowly opened the door, it creaked open as the sobs were right in front of you. You gasped and covered your mouth with both hands, tears welling up in your eyes. In the back corner of the char covered room, was Katsuki. He hugged his knees, rocking back and forth, sobs making his body quake. You took a couple steps forward to him, the more you listened to his sobs, the more you realized he was whispering yours and Kirishima's name in between sobs.
         "Katsuki....sweetheart?" He yelled, not lifting his head and causing you to flinch backward.
          "GO AWAY YOU COPY CAT BASTARD! fooled me once, you won't again. She is gone, they took her from" His voice cracked as he wailed, his body shaking. You crouched down to his level, trying to reach through his pain.
      "Katsuki, look at me baby, what are you talking about?" He lifted his head and lunges in a moments notice. Tacking you to the ground, his eyes were wild and blood shot, hit hair spotted with soot. The minute he looked into your eyes, his movement stopped. Pure shock flashed across his face as his chest began to heave, he looked deep into your eyes and shook his head.
       " no no that's impossible. You are dead I....I watched you." He grabbed a chunk of his hair and flashed his gaze towards you, he was furious. He tackled you again, teeth barred and growling.
        "What kinda sick fucking joke is this huh?? You ass holes think its funny to kill both of my partners in front of then come back and make think they are still alive?? I outta blast you into next week right here and right now!" Katsuki recoiled his hand as you put your hands up in defense.
         "Katsuki stop its me!!!"

Myths in Reality {Bakugou x Kiri x Reader} {Indie/Creepy pasta AU} Where stories live. Discover now