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"Don't worry, I only asked you to hang out because I was bored." Jin rolled his eyes. "Sure you did," Jungkook smirked. "Don't flatter yourself. We're going to be stuck together for the rest of the school year so we should get along. I don't want to fight every time I see you. It gets tiring."

"You don't want to fight? I see. Yet, you're the one starting the argument... I feel confused. One minute you want to hang out, the next you act like you hate my fucking guts." Jungkook furrowed his thick eyebrows.

"I know, I know. From here on out, I think we should stop being childish and be mature for the time being. I'm sorry for how I've acted toward you. If my actions have portrayed that I dislike you, I am sorry for that. I don't hate you and I do not intend to hate you."

"Thanks for that. I also apologize for stereotyping you. You're fun to be around when you're not bratty. I appreciate you tutoring me. Thanks a lot for your help. I will not pick fights with you from here on out." Jungkook spoke.

He could read Jin's face and it seemed like he wanted to say something. "So you admit you picked a fight with me on purpose? That's interesting." Jin smirked and drank his coffee. "Okay." Jungkook hummed, pouting and looking upwards, "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Read and sometimes play soccer." Jin pursed his lips, surprised to hear Jungkook laughing. Pouting his lips, he asked, "What's so funny?"

Laughing, He replied, "Nothing, just thinking about something. "You're laughing because I said I played soccer?"

"No, I'm not."

"I don't see how we can be friends if you find things like that funny. I don't get why you're hurting my feelings."

"I'm sorry, I was not trying to hurt your feelings. I thought you were joking!" He shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

"Kookie-Hyung, you shouldn't treat someone this way. Be kind!" Yejun climbed up on Jungkook's lap. "Yejun, get down!"

"No, no!" He pleaded with a pout, wiggling his bottom lip. As Jungkook sat him on his lap, he exclaimed, "Gosh!" So Yejun wouldn't talk, he gave him his phone to play games on.


"I hate to say this but you're more fun than I thought." Jungkook giggled, Yejun fell asleep and he was carrying him. "I'm fun, I just care more about my education. That will get me somewhere, whereas fun will only get me sleepy and sweaty."

"Ah, I see. Well, I have to go inside now. Yejun here is going over to our Halmeoni's. He's a lot to deal with on the weekend.

"Okay, see you!"

Jin went into their apartment and sat down. "Jimin?" He called out and got no response. His phone rang and he picked up. "Jin-ah?" A voice he recognized spoke.

"Namjoon-Hyung!" He exclaimed, "I tried to leave for Seoul but Eomma is having a breakdown about me leaving her, so I'll bring her with me okay?"

"Really?! When are you gonna be here?"

"Monday or Tuesday, I'll make it work, I promise! The only reason I can't come sooner is that I have an exam to finish, but I promise I will visit you this Monday or Tuesday!"

"Okay, where's Eomma?"

"She's on the phone with your Appa, it seems pretty serious." He flipped the camera on her. "No, you listen to me you fucktwad! I said what I said, Seokjin is not-"

It seems as if she was cut off because she stopped talking. "Oh, please as if I give 1 or 2 fucks about you or her. I could care less, fuck that bitch, I don't care!"

Seokjin's eyes were as wide as saucers, he'd never heard his mom go off like that before. "Eomma!" He called out. "Whatever, goodbye."

"Oh, hey Jinnie! How are you?" She smiled. "I'm good..." He faked a smile, "That's good to hear. Well, I'm going to bed, it was nice to talk to you! I love you.

"Love you too!" She left and Namjoon flipped the camera back. "Where did she get that language from? She was cursing up a storm!" Jin exclaimed and Namjoon laughed. "I know right, but remember what I said, I'll be there in a few days!"

"Okay, bye! Love you lots." He kissed the phone and hung up. That's when Jimin walked in, limping.

"Oh, hey!" Jimin smiled. Jin examined him up and down, "You're so gross." He got off the couch and went into the kitchen. "How am I gross? I didn't even do anything."

"First, you haven't been answering my phone calls, that Taehyung guy did. Second, you're rarely around, and you fucking smell like alcohol. You reek of sex and now you're limping." Jin shouted, "Sleeping with fucking strangers?"

"I didn't sleep with him!" Jimin yelled back, "Why are you limping then Jimin?"

"I was drinking, but not a lot! I only had 3 shots. So, I was tipsy and I hurt my leg."

"Yeah, whatever." Jin went into the fridge and got out a bowl of grapes. "Please stop assuming things about me, you're making me feel bad about myself. I didn't sleep with him, I promise!" Jimin spoke, tears threatening to fall out his eyes.

"Okay," Jin replied sternly. "I get that you're smarter than me or whatever, but that shouldn't make you think so lowly of me. It's hurting my feelings." He sniffed. "Jimin, I said okay. I'm done with the topic."

Jimin scoffed and went into his bedroom. He grabbed his pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a shower.


His eyes were red and swollen from crying. He felt irritated and he really wanted to talk to Seokjin. He decided against it and went to sleep.


A/N: I just wanna take Jimin and give him the biggest hug.

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