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"Eomma, why aren't you here yet?" Jin whined. "Seokjin-ah, it's only been 15 hours since I landed, I'll be there tomorrow but right now a girl needs her beauty rest." 

"You guys could've crashed here, I don't understand why you had to waste money on a hotel." He sulked, pouting his lips away. "Where would we sleep? I'm not sleeping in an apartment full of dirty boys who don't clean up behind themselves."

"Are you out of your mind? I'm your child, we've lived together before and Jimin is never here, so that's basically like you saying you don't want to see me." 

"Don't be delusional Seokjin-ah. I will be there tomorrow around 2 pm." She smiled trying to console him. "Fix your face!" She demanded because he was not falling into her tricks. 

"You don't have to come at all if you don't want to see me, and by the way my apartment is not on the first floor as soon as you come in!" He rolled his eyes, making her giggle, "I'm hanging up now." He pressed the end button on their video chat.

"Maybe, I will bake something to occupy myself." Jin pulled a recipe up on his phone and he realized he didn't have half of the ingredients the recipe required. "We need to go grocery shopping." He said to himself. 

He walked upstairs to Jungkook's and Taehyung's apartment because Jimin wouldn't be elsewhere. He knocked on the door and Yejun answered. "Hi Jinnie-Hyung!" Yejun reached up his arms signaling Jin that he wanted him to pick him up.

"Hi Yejun-ah!" Jin picked him up and walked inside, "Is Jimin here?" Jin asked and Yejun shook his head, "You just missed him five minutes ago." Jin sighed in defeat, Jimin is never around these days.

"Kookie-Hyung is here, I'll go get him!" Before Jin could protest, Yejun was already there. "Kookie-Hyung, your boyfriend is here."

"Boyfriend? Seokjin?" He asked and seeing his little brother nod, he threw his body like a ragdoll in an agitated way. He followed Yejun out and found Seokjin sitting politely on their couch. "What do you want?"

"Hello to you, and I came here for Jimin but you'd make a good replacement." Jin rolled his eyes, "I don't have time for your games, I'm not in the mood." Jungkook stated with a stern look. "Fine, can I borrow your motorcycle?" Jungkook couldn't tell if he was serious or not. 

Jungkook burst into a fit of laughter and of course, Jin didn't like it, "Are you laughing at me in my face?" He pouted. "I'm sorry," He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for laughing but you can't be serious."

"I'm leaving." Jin stomped away angrily but before he could leave Jungkook grabbed his arm. "Okay, I'm sorry," Jungkook said but Jin gave him a glaring look, "I'm serious."

"I'd be happy to take you wherever you're trying to go, but I cannot let you drive my motorcycle." He negotiated. "Why is that? You think I can't ride a motorcycle?" Jin gave a stern look.

"I know you can't ride a motorcycle. You were clinging onto me last time." Jungkook pursed his lips trying to suppress his laughter. "All you do is make fun of me, you're so rude." Jin crossed his arms. "I'm sorry, I'll be nicer to you."

"Mhm," Jin hummed in disapproval. "I'll get Yejun dressed and take him to our Halmeoni," Jungkook spoke trying to change the subject. "Okay, I'll be here... waiting." 

Within five minutes Jungkook was back, "Where do you need to go? My motorcycle is low on gas."

"Is it low on gas for real this time?" Jin asked questioning Jungkook, "Yes, I'm serious this time. Can you tell me where you need to go?"

"The grocery store, I want to make brookies." Jin answered, "What the hell is brookies?" 

"Brownies and cookies. Are you really that dumb?" Jin insulted, rolling his eyes. "But you call me rude? Tuh, unbelievable."

As Jungkook is locking up the apartment, he hears Jin sigh, so he decides to go slower. "Give me the key, I'll do it!" Jin snatched the key out of Jungkook's hand and locked the door. "Impatient."


"I need to stop at the gas station," Jungkook said taking his motorcycle off the kickstand. Jin put on the helmet and got on the front of the motorcycle, waiting for Jungkook to get on. "Why are you in the front as if you're going to drive it? Get off."

"I am not riding on the back, I can fall off and you'd just keep leaving me behind." 

"Don't be delusional, you can ride on the front just keep your hands to yourself or we crash."

"Yeah, yeah." Jin rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'm just bored, and I need to make a gift for my mom." 


After getting the ingredients they returned to the apartment and pulled up the recipe video. "She said sugar first!" Jungkook demanded, "Stop screaming in my ear! Gosh, I can hear and see."

"Not giving that." Jungkook mumbled to himself, "I heard that smartass." 

"Oh my god, you finally call me smart." Jungkook giggled when Jin glared at him. "Taste it," Jin put the spoon to Jungkook's mouth, "Is it good?" He asked, genuinely curious. "It needs more sugar, it's still kind of bland."

"I added 2 tablespoons though?" Jin frowned and added more sugar. "You think you're Gordon Ramsey huh?" Jungkook gave a stink face. "You're such a hater, just taste it again." 

"It's good," Jungkook smirked before dumping a bowl of flour on Jin's head and running away. "Are you fucking serious?!" Jin yells and runs after him. "Get out, I'm like so serious."

"It's hard to take you seriously, you look like a dumpling, cute." Jungkook laughed and took pictures of Jin. "You think this is cute and funny? I have flour dripping down my face and shirt!"

Jungkook laughed and looked at the adorable scene in front of him. "I'll be back, I have to shower, check on the brookies."

"You sound corny as ever." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Yet, you like it." Jin winked, obviously joking until he heard Jungkook's response. "Maybe I do." Jungkook smirked seeing Jin go from confident to as red as a tomato. 

"Hurry up too, you don't want to keep your guest waiting."

"Shut the fuck up bitch." Jin stick his tongue out and walked away. "It's shut." Jungkook zipped his lips with his fingers and giggled.


A/N: this is so cute to meeee, they def like eachother.

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