thirty three

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thirty three



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Spencer was strapped in the back of the SUV nestled in next to Emily, Hotch was driving - very quickly, Spencer had to grab onto the roof handle at every corner - and Morgan was in the passenger seat. Morgan's phone started ringing.

"Yeah, baby girl what you got?" 

'Garcia.' Spencer figured.

"Well, I did a little more digging on the property because whilst we know it's not Shawbridge's home address we also know that he has not been at his home address in at least a week; local PD have just told us they raided his home address, no sign of him and there is a stack of mail littered on the floor of his hallway so I figured well, he's got to be somewhere right?"

If he wasn't at his home address and hadn't been for some days, and he wasn't here? They had no idea where to look next. For Adira's sake, they all wished he was here.

"So I looked into the Eagle Point address and it is rented under 'Steven Hollowell.'


"Yes Sir, Shawbridge's mother's maiden name."

"But what's the Steven got to do with it?"

Spencer thought for a moment. This was all about Adira. He had to have stalked her for a while before her abduction  - he needed to know everything; this was all to get her. Then it clicked.

"Steven. Steven Alcott."

"Oh my god." Emily whispered, her face full of horror. He didn't just know about Adira, he knew about her family; he really had done his research.

"Yeah but that's not all. Guess what is just a ten to fifteen minute drive from this house?"

"A park." Spencer answered quickly. "The same distance from the abduction site to the shed."

"He really wanted to be sure." Emily continued.

"Thanks, Mama." Morgan praised.

"Of course. Be safe."

Shawbridge had really made sure he had planned the perfect crime. Something else then dawned on Spencer. "He wasn't just practising the abductions,  he had to make sure he could disappear from the scene quickly, with no witnesses recalling seeing him before, during or after the abductions. His ruse, his disguise, his vehicle, he was making sure he blended in and he was gauging the response time of the cops. He was practising his get away." 

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