thirty seven

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warnings: SA/R*pe, drug use (prescription), addiction and detailed discussion of addiction

thirty seven



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Spencer tried his best to keep it together. He had also had to try his hardest not to break down with Adira, if Hotch hadn't been able to get her medication from her parents, he feared he would've done. Or at the very least told her that he understood why she felt she so desperately needed the medication but he stopped himself when he realised that he could offer her no absolution. She needed to see that it could get better, not just hear those words, but Spencer couldn't show her that.

He could feel Hotch's eyes boring into the back of his head as they sat with Adira on the couches. He knew that there would be an awkward conversation either in the car back to the BAU or Hotch's office upon their return about his own drug use. It was a conversation he didn't want to have but seeing Adira right now, how broken she was, he began to question; 'is that what I look like? Is that what I feel like?'

He knew how exhausted she was because he felt it too, every second of every day. Only he knew he had a problem, she didn't.

But he knew, that right now, Adira needed him.

"Okay, today is mostly going to be a few questions and just preparing for how the structure of the trial will look. Is that okay?"

She nodded.

"Okay. Are you ready?" Spencer asked kindly. He smiled at her, they had both come to understand that a smile from one another was often timed when they both needed it most.

She smiled back, "Yes. I'm ready."

Hotch took a small notebook out of his pocket. He had already discussed with Spencer that he would be leading the questions as he, himself, took notes. Spencer had begun to express his concern for the decision but Hotch reassured him that he knew exactly what to do, he had done it before and he understood Adira best; she really trusted him.

"Okay." Spencer started quietly. Not wanting to leave Spencer completely in the dark of course, Hotch told him what would be best to address today but he feared that given their greeting, the situation may ought to be changed slightly. "So, the first thing the defense are going to ask you about is the abduction. I know we've already gone over it in the cognitive interview and we can take an official statement the next time you come into the BAU, but they're going to try and say that you initiated that."

She looked at them blankly.

"They're going to say that, even if it was subconsciously, you wanted to go with him."

"He hit me over the head! " She took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I know I can't get angry at them when they ask me questions but, how can they sleep at night knowing they're defending a monster?"

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