support me & Read more!

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Hello everyone! I have some great news!
I've had a few people ask me about patreon and how to donate or support me.

I've decided to set up a Subscription over on INKITT for this reason! Now you are able to donate/support me and gain access to Galatea exclusive stories and more!

(((If your interested in continuing this story then make sure to read this!)))

Tier 1-(Deamers) is a 3$ monthly sub.
This one is basic donations/support for anyone who enjoys my stories.

Tier 2- (star Gazers) is a 5$ monthly sub that gives you access to sneak peaks to future stories, concept art, book cover art, polls for future stories and so on.

Tier 3- (Star seekers) is a 10$ monthly sub that will give you access to my galatea non-exclusive stories including (Last to fall)(First to rise) (rise of the fallen) and any other stories when they go to galatea! Not only that, but you will gain access to bonus content/chapters and the latest edits to these stories.
With this sub you also have access to everything from the previous subscription tiers.

I'm still tweaking and making changes to the stories and these tiers so do know things will be subject to change in the future! More content will be added and so forth.

On another note I will make it very clear that ALL work in progress stories will stay free and on all platforms until they are finished/moved to galatea so stories such as rise of the fallen, subject-59, and everything else will stay up in their respectful platforms for the time being.

First to rise shall be going to Galatea soon, so once it's up on there it will be come part of the (star seekers) subscription tier.

Even if you don't want to subscribe I still suggest following me over on inkitt for updates and information. Other platforms do not have walls where I can easily post information for all readers to see so if your wondering why updates take so long or what's happening with certain stories, I suggest heading over there for more info!

Once again thank you all for the love and support, I wouldn't be able to make these stories without all you amazing readers!


(galatea info)

Hello everyone! This is a little update explaining how/why last to fall is on galatea and how it works.

Last to fall won 3rd place in a inkitt contest and in return i was given a contract offer to have the story posted on the galatea reading app! This helps me to grow as a author and provide many new things for you all to read and enjoy, unfortunately this means the story must be taken off all other free platforms due to the contract but that doesnt mean you cant read it still and read it for free!

I know many of you dislike galatea for a few reasons but theres specific reasons ive decided to go through with this and choices that ive made to make sure it benefits not just me but also readers as well.

How you might ask? Simple. One, the story will only be on galatea temperarly, two i will not completely sign my story over to galatea meaning the story will stay free to read with 6-36hr wait timers and nothing more. So no one needs to worry about it becomeing a pay to read story, thats one benefit with galatea. Theres many other reading apps that are pay to read and have much longer wait timers but last to fall will stay free until I say otherwise.

Another benefit for this will be that with galatea i will be able to make $ in order to have this series published and put on paperback!

How galatea works from my understanding is that even if you dont spend points/pay to read the story and just go through reading it with the wait timers, it will boost the story royalties. This is how readers like you can help to support me freely without spending money.

So although you guys might not like the fact the story is on galatea nor may you like galatea in general, but this is the reasoning behind the choice ive made and i hope you all understand!

Thank you all AGAIN for the love and support i truely cant emphasize how much i owe to all of you for this chance and i just hope to create more stories you can all come to enjoy and love.

Last to Fall (Un-edited Version)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now