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I was glad I decided to go back to the house and party with all the other people.

Michael tried to fill me up with alcohol - as usual - but I denied most of it - as usual - and watched all my friends get more and more wasted and at the same time more and more funny.

Suddenly I felt hands on my waist and when I turned around I faced Luke, who just got himself a drink.

Luke stared at me for a while, smiling as he leaned down. "Fuck, how'd I get so lucky?" he whispered into my ear and I giggled a bit, shying away as the stubble on his face tickled my neck.

"Go home, you're drunk" I joked, knowing that Luke barely drank anything.

"Well then, maybe you should prevent him from drinking" Michael popped up out of nowhere, grabbing Luke's cup and placing it in my hand.

I laughed and took a sip - whatever alcohol it was tasted really good so I just kept on drinking while Michael cheered and Luke shook his head in amusement.

Michael left Luke and me to get some more booze and as soon as he went away, I felt the need to kiss Luke.

"Ew, you two, get a room" Calum said, pointing in our vage direction before stumbling towards Ashton.

I laughed and Luke bit his lip, his eyes  suddenly looking darker than usual.

"Maybe we should" Luke suggested.

"Get a room?" I asked, feeling the alcohol kick in a little more - damn that must have been stronger than I initially thought.

"Well yea..." Luke said and blushed a little.

"You're cute when you blush." I said, slurring the words a bit.

Luke laughed lightly. "Maybe we should just get you to sleep"

"No!" I protested, pulling myself together.

"Alright" Luke said, still laughing a little as he made his way through the crowd, holding my hand so that we didn't loose each other.

"Wait!" I screamed when I spotted Michael. Luke stopped and I waved my best friend over.

"Luke and I are gonna go up and have s-" Luke quickly covered my mouth.

"...and go to sleep, we're tired" Luke said way too fast but Michael was laughing his ass off anyways.

"Sure, have fun sleeping" Michael laughed and I joined his laughter before following Luke upstairs.

The next morning I wished I had dreamt everything. Luckily I didn't feel hungover, but sadly I also remembered telling Michael that I was going to do the naughty with Luke. All I could hope for was that Michael was too wasted to remember last night.

As if he could hear my thoughts, Michael stormed into the room to scream:"Goodmorning, sunshines. Hope you had fun last night"

Obviously he hadn't been too wasted. And after that, he gave me a wink and skipped away giggling.

I heard a low chuckle from the other side of the bed and soon arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me closer. "Morning beautiful" Luke whispered and pressed a kiss to my temple.

Luke and I continued to cuddle for a while until we heard Calum screaming for us to get ready, pack up and get in the car as we were leaving to drive to the next location within the next hour.

Lazily I got dressed and walked down the stairs to get into the back of the van where Calum was sitting already, grinning as I yawned. "Didn't get much sleep last night?" Calum asked and before I could say anything, Michael, who was riding shotgun next to the designated driver Ashton, answered:"Man, didn't you hear Luke and her last night?"

"Don't be so jealous" Luke groaned, giving Michael a smack on the back of his head as he climbed into the van with Mila.

Michael rubbed his head and murmured "Jerk", but luckily Luke's comment made him shut up about mine and Luke's activities.

I hated long car rides, they made me feel sick and I didn't like the feeling of being trapped in a small vehicle and especially after Ashton and Calum got into their car crash almost a year ago, I didn't like fast driving. Lucky for me, Ashton didn't like fast driving aswell and he was a careful driver since the crash.

This time I hated being trapped in the car more than ever because I couldn't help but listen to Mila and Luke conversating and I could not stop myself from developing hatred for the blue-haired girl. Whatever she said annoyed me for some reason, so I felt pretty cranky when we finally reached our destination.

"Need any help there?" Luke grinned, holding out his hand to help me out of the car.

"No, thanks" I snapped, maybe a little bit too rude because Luke shot me a confused, maybe even hurt look but turned away saying he'd grab our stuff and bring it to the hotel room.

"What was that, Gabriella Jade?" Ashton asked, calling me by my full name like my mum did when I fucked up badly.

"Do you see how much that Mila-chick is trying to get into his pants? He doesn't even seem to mind."

Ashton shook his head, slightly amused at my jealousy. "You guys both have such jealousy issues, it's almost cute."

I shot Ashton an annoyed look, but he just went on:"I also don't think that Mila is trying to get with Luke. She's such a lovely girl-"

"Okay, Ash. I get it. Go write Mila a love letter."

Now my annoyance began to bother Ashton, he just made some weird noise and shook his head as we headed towards the hotel.

Hello there my loves!
I know my updates are as irregular as they could be and that probably sucks for you if you're interested in this story in any way. But be patient and I'll eventually finish this. I'll try to write ans update more frequently now, so until next time & hopefully until soon!
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Love you & hope your day is as great as 5sos's twitter accounts at the moment (seriously...what's wrong with those idiots :D)

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