A Ladies Outing

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The week following Harry's birthday and then the subsequent flying lesson with Draco had been a bit of a busy one for Gwyn. She felt the need to study harder on all of the beginner theory books and even more so the journals of the previous masters of Death. She completely threw herself into the task, scouring every book she could get her hands on and often disappearing into her grandparents sitting room, grilling them on the theory and adding in even more notes into the margins.

She didn't know why but she felt the answers to helping Tom would somehow be found in a great knowledge of theory and those journals. She knew that beginner theory most likely wouldn't help her but being able to remember exactly what was written on the pages of the more advanced books wouldn't do her any good without a firm base knowledge. So she read everything, every single book she could get her hands on and had even written to Professor Snape again to ask for more beginner books recommendations to broaden her understanding. To say he had been alarmed with how quickly she had read through the first list of books he had sent her would be an understatement. Before he had given her a new list he had sent her a small test on all of the theories combined and it was only when she had passed it with flying colors did he send her a new one.

Theo and Blaise had maintained writing her daily. Apparently both had been enjoying all of the sights the magical side of Rome had to offer. She wrote back every day detailing what new bit of knowledge she had picked up in her books or what small discovery she had made inside of the castle. So far both of them had agreed her best one yet had been the discovery of the dueling chamber where she could practice all manner of spells that she came across. She had thought it to be a three way tie between the dueling chamber, the library, and the potions lab. She had even written once again to the potions master asking him for his recommended beginner potions. He had only agreed once she had sworn to only brew those potions and send him samples for testing. She had actually just finished her first one and would be sending off a small vial that morning.

Draco had probably been the most enthusiastic about her pursuits. He didn't know why she was in such a rush to gain knowledge like her life depended on it, but he was always encouraging her to continue. Every time she had written to him telling him about the latest book she had finished his first question was about which one she would read next and then he asked about what all she had learned. He had also taken it upon himself to give her small lessons in the ways of the pure blood heirs. Given her family name she would be the top of the food chain by default and he wanted her to be able to act like it. He would send her the details of how certain interactions should go and then quiz her on it in the next letter. She was both amused and happy that he wanted her to excel in the world of a house like Slytherin.

And of course, every single night before bed she had written in the journals with Harry. During their conversations she had learned that she truly, deeply despised his relatives. She had taken to sending him food every night through the box and it was an every day occurrence for him to send the books back through for her to keep safe during the day. She absolutely adored Harry and could imagine him scrunching up his face in confusion as he asked her questions about something in one of the books and she always happily explained it in several different ways until he understood the topic perfectly. Harry came from a proud and noble family and deserved access to the knowledge he would have had if his parents had survived that night. She pondered all of this as she stepped out of the bath that night, thinking about what topic Harry would have questions about tonight. Lately he had been reading the potions theory book and she had found it was easiest for him to understand when put in terms of cooking.

She settled down onto her bed, grabbing her journal and a self inking quill as well as the box and tray of food that Maeve had left on her desk. Harry had told her that he always wanted to try a scotch egg and mince pies and so that was exactly what he was going to have tonight along with his new favorite of a treacle tart. Of course she would send him the usual tea and water along with his food. She had also been giving Maeve instructions to send him a breakfast through the box as well. She might not be able to get him lunch or a snack throughout the day but she could make sure he at least ate twice a day.

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