A Meeting of the Boys

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When they all landed just outside of the doors to the castle, Gwyn took a few quick steps away from her small group of friends and held her arms out wide, gesturing to the doors behind her. It was easy to hide the laughter trying to escape at the looks on their faces behind her smile. She had been hoping for some sort of shocked reaction by bringing them to the doors instead of the entrance hall, she had not been disappointed. "Welcome, to Peverell Castle."

"I knew it!" Theo cried, quickly turning towards Blaise with a look of triumph and waving his finger at the other boy. "You owe me three galleons. I told you she would be in the castle itself and you said there was no way!"

"I did not. I said that it was highly unlikely our friend would have an entire castle at her disposal and use it for something as simple as a sleepover." Blaise rolled his eyes and casually handed over the coins to Theo.

"You bet on where I lived?" She shook her head and laughed at her friends as they bickered with each other.

"No, we bet on where the sleepover would be." Blaise shrugged. "It's known the Peverells had many properties. Don't look so surprised, most heirs have to study family crests, when you flashed your rings at Parkinson that day during the Malfoy's tea party we just so happened to be in the perfect spot to see them."

"But what our friend fails to remember is that being underage you would only have access to one property. So I said you would be in the castle because that made the most sense." Theo gave his own shrug while Draco just shook his head at them with her.

"And yet neither of you asked the one of us that actually knew." His amusement bled into his voice as he continued shaking his head at them.

"You wouldn't have actually told us and you know it." Theo responded. "So I asked my father about where the Peverells mainly stayed, he said the last he knew was the castle." He shrugged as he finished explaining his thought process.

"As interesting as your detective skills are," she began. "I thought you might like a tour. So you two have known I was a Peverell all this time and didn't say anything?" She turned to them slightly as they began walking inside to begin the tour.

They both gave her a meaningful look. "It wasn't our place. Yes, we knew, but we also knew that you would mention your family name when you were ready. You should already know that your secrets are your own and we'll keep them as long as you like." Theo already sounded like he had reassured her on the matter a thousand times and would again a thousand more.

"You're our friend Gwyn, and as we said before, we all have our secrets. All we ask is for you to remember that as your friends we'll help keep yours like we know you'll keep ours." Blaise shrugged as he fell into step with her.

"You already know how I feel. You're my very best friend." Draco nudged her shoulder as he walked beside her. "It doesn't matter what the secret is or if I know all the details, I've got your back."

She cleared her throat slightly and smiled at all of them. What an emotional morning she was turning out to have. How could she have gotten so lucky in her life? She had lost it all but now she seemed to be well on her way to gaining it all back along with so much more. As they began the tour of her home, she couldn't help but feel grateful for all of them, and for Death because without Him her return most definitely would not have happened on her own terms, and that was something she would never take for granted.

She took them around the first floor first, showing them around the entrance hall as well as all of the sitting rooms, the general library and ballroom. Her grandparents had fawned over her friends and commented on how they were all growing into fine young heirs, causing the boys chests to puff out with pride and Gwyn to roll her eyes fondly. The second floor was mostly just guest rooms that they quickly glossed over, Gwyn letting them know that they would be staying on the friends of the family floor. The third floor infirmary that was kept pristine even with it being out of use for so many years. The fourth floor was obviously what captured their fascination with the dueling chambers and exercise rooms for almost any form of combat that could cross one's mind. The fifth floor potions labs and research rooms had them shaking their heads when she informed them which lab was her favorite and that they could find her there if she disappeared over the next few days.

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