Where's Rose?

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The raven haired female stood in the shinny halls of the old castle, her dark cloak hung gently from her shoulders, she was wearing a white short sleeved shirt, with a dark green pin clipped onto the sleeve. Her dark black jeans were slightly ripped at the hems. She stood in front of the giant, very pissed off dragon. How did she get into this situation? She messed up the most recent spell she was working on when someone bumped into her. Looking into the bright yellow eyes of the tall beast, not a trace of emotion on her face. It charged at her, gnashing its razor sharp teeth at her, it's teeth stained a dark yellow and rotting. Quickly summoning up a clear green shield, bracing for the impact. It approached her quickly and raised one of its claws and-

That morning Iris woke up from a crazy dream that night to her alarm beeping loudly, nearly falling out of the soft green sheets of her small bed, it was morning. She sighed softly, and turned the loud alarm off and sat up, getting up slowly for school. As Iris made her bed, she began to think about her dream, as crazy as it was, it was pretty fun. I mean, it's not like everyday you get to take down a dragon with magic that you let out by mistake. Iris quickly finished her making her bed, and went to make breakfast for herself, being careful not to step on one of her color pencils or art supplies. She headed into the kitchen deciding she wanted a piece of toast, the easiest and quickest thing she could think of, as she wasn't very hungry to begin with. Iris left the toaster to do it's thing, leaving to get ready for school. She walked down the the cold tile floors of the hallway towards her room, the only way you could tell it was her room was by the simple paintings of strange colored flowers, each one different. Stepping over the small pile of dirty clothing on the floor in front of the closet, Iris gently pulled the sliding mirror closet door open, picking out a simple outfit, a pair of bootcut blue jeans, a simple and faded green shirt with a corny nerdy joke on it, and a bright red baseball cap. Iris put on a pair of old boots,they were the only shoes she had and were trusty to the very end. She put her long and curly jet black hair, which was ever so slightly messy, into a low ponytail. Due to the thin walls of her room she was able to hear the pop of the toaster, breakfast was ready. Heading over to the toaster, she gently pulled out the hot piece of toast out of the toaster, burning the tips of her fingers, and ate it slowly, not even bothering to butter the slightly burnt bread. Iris went to the living room and picked up her light orange backpack with the silly buttons on the straps, right where she had left it the night before, she fished her keys out of the front pocket, the golden colored keys shining ever so slightly in the early morning light. She patted her back pocket, checking if she had left her black flip phone in there, satisfied with the result, she stuffed a couple of crinkled dollar bills into her pocket for lunch today. It was tacos today, her favorite. She swiftly walked out the door making sure to say a quiet farewell to her parents, who were most likely still asleep, she always made sure to leave before them, so that way she wouldn't be late and would have some extra time to herself. Once Iris stepped out into the cool air of the morning, Iris made sure the door was locked, and ran to the corner of the narrow and loud street to meet up with a good friend of her's, Rue Glen.

"H-hey." Iris stuttered out softly when she caught up to the redheaded girl. "Hey, are you in a hurry?" She asked her, her voice sounding rather hoarse, Iris shook her head no in response, her curly hair bouncing ever so slightly as she did so. They walked along the lonely sidewalk, starting the long trip to school in silence. "Anything new happening?" Iris asked, wanting to break the boring atmosphere, "Only that Margret has a new boyfriend." Iris nodded to the sharp remark, knowing what was to come of this subject, the jealous tone in Rue's voice gave it away, "that's nice." She said softly, disregarding that she would never hear the end of this topic, just like all the other times, "Hardly, he's rude and unkind." Rue snapped, her sharp tone mixed with annoyance, there she goes, now the rest of the day she probably wasn't gonna talk to anyone and would shrug off anyone who tried to comfort her. "What happened for you to dislike him?' Iris asked, wanting to help, she always wanted to know the facts before she judges him harshly, but she knew that no matter how hard she tries, she was either gonna anger Rue and be ignored, or be met with silence and an awkward topic shift. Rue just shook her head, obviously not wanting to talk, just like always... Iris frowned, but for the rest of the way they walked to the high school in silence. Seeing the familiar pale white campus building Iris sighed in relief. The awkward silence would not last for very long, once they would get on campus, Iris would be able to see who her other friends, who, hopefully, where in a better mood than Rue. Stepping onto the dewy grass, she smiled, soon enough school would be over, and she was gonna miss being a Junior. Climbing the short steps of the school and pushing open the double doors of the school, the first thing Iris did was look at the clock. 6:53 A.M., it was much earlier than she had anticipated. The two girls walked down the mostly empty halls, stray for a couple of study groups for upcoming quizzes and tests, they headed to Mr. Jack's class to study as well. The science room was open, and the two of them headed inside the clean and sterile classroom, going over to one of the tables, Iris sat down on the cold and hard stool, pulling out some flash cards she had made for all the subjects she had, since it was twenty minutes before school started, it's where everyone meets before school to hang out, since Mr. Jack allows people to hang out here and talk quietly, so studying with all her friends would be so much easier. All of the first period classes were close by anyway, so it wouldn't be a hassle.

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