A New Day

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Iris woke up as she would any day, nothing new or special today, wake up, go to school, learn, deal with drama, go home, repeat, what was the point, of all this nonsense? Iris knew she had longed for an adventure or something else, but couldn't do anything about. Turning on her side in her bed, she glanced at her mirror in the corner of her room, she could see her blue eyes staring back at, noticing the purple fleck in them, since when was that there? She sat up, her noticing that she had fallen asleep in her jeans, and looked at the time, 5:35, just before dawn. Iris stood up and walked across the cold tile flooring in her small room and looked out the window, glancing up at the setting moon with a bittersweet nostalgic feeling in her heart, even if she was stuck in a small boring place such as this, at least she could see the beauty around her. When a sudden dark though hit her, what was the point in this? Everyone she knew would forget about her in time, so why bother? Iris sighed and forced a smile out, she might as well put this life to use.

Glancing down towards her front yard, she froze dead in her tracks. There, outside her window on the second floor, out on the sidewalk, was the boy she overheard at lunch the other day, watching her from her window. Iris jumped back and shut the blinds, "That isn't normal... who would be out at this time in the morning watching people from their windows? This isn't right..." She whispered, walking towards the door, wanting to get some water to clear her head. Gripping the door handle tightly, she felt a pang of dread and forced herself to open her door, ending up flinging the door open to see two dull glowing orange-red eyes, staring into her very being. As the person smiled a sharp toothy grin. She screamed loudly, the scene changed, falling down onto the floor, she saw she was in a wasteland and a black inky blob move towards her, a silver sword, coated with the blood of innocent victims, swinging in her direction. The scene changed again to show an old man holding a broken clock, mumbling nonsense in an eerie fashion, looking at her with grief stricken brown eyes, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Once more the scene changed to a battlefield of some sort, dead bodies laying down everywhere, each killed in a gruesome way. Iris was to shocked to do anything as she fell back on her floor in her room.

After a few minutes from the internal shock she took a deep breath and stood up, her legs unsteady, and forced herself to calm down. "I must have had some sort of sleep paralysis or something... I'll look it up later...." she mumbled, shuffling back to her ever so tempting bed and laid back down on her bed to get some more much needed sleep.

~~~~Later that day~~~~~~

After a long day at school, Iris started the long journey home. Thinking about the events that happened earlier she pondered on what had happened. After all, sleep paralysis didn't add up to what had happened to her, it just didn't make sense? A dream inside a dream maybe? No, that couldn't be it... this whole thing was driving her insane, it was just so baffling! After walking in silence for a few moments, her foot hit something hard. Looking down, Iris spotted a small bronze pocket watch. Picking up the watch, she checked if it worked by pressing the back of the watch against her ear. The soft ticking was all she could hear, 'so it still works.' Iris though, looking back at the watch, the time was correct and everything, 2:35 p.m., Iris debated on what to do with the small pocket watch, it was in good shape, and it was pretty, it worked as well too. Stuffing the small trinket in her pocket, she continued the way home, figuring that she could always return it if she ever found the owner. This morning's events had begun to slip through her mind as thoughts of homework and chores began filling her worries.   

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