Lost and Alone.

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          Iris felt hot tears running down her dark face, her head was pounding and she couldn't breathe properly, the air she took in came in small sobs. Iris may never see her best friend Rose or hear her ever again. Her best friend has disappeared from the face of the Earth and no one seems to have a clue how it happened, no one even knew if she had been planning to run away from home. There was no signs of a struggle either, nothing was missing, and no strange online history with strange people. It was bizarre to say the very least. Iris told Officer Alissa everything she knew, where she had been seen last, and last heard from.Rose. Now here she was, sobbing uncontrollably, waiting for her father to pick her up early for the past hour or so. Iris felt a mixture of emotions, rage, sorrow, regret, and abandonment. Why did this happen to Rose? She was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest soul. The sleeves of her grey jacket were damp from drying her tears for so long. After a while, she able to control herself once again, and she rested her head in her hands, listening to the frantic office going on with all their lives. She closed her weary and sore eyes, trying to block out everything going on around her. After a few moments of hearing and seeing nothing she opened her eyes, to see she was in the middle of a burnt and bloodied battlefield. The bodies all wore the same clothes and each person had extreme wounds covering their entire body such as burns and stab wounds. Iris felt her heart sink in shock at the sight, her breathe caught in her throat. She wanted to scream, she wanted to move and help them. There she stood, frozen with dread and shock in the middle of that field. The clothes they all wore looked similar to a school uniform of some short. Short sleeved white polo shirt with a pin on the shoulder, black slacks, worn and dirty leather boots,and a long velvet cloak the color of coal.

 Iris's dark eyes were wide at the thought of a school being attacked. She forced herself to look down at herself, to find she wasn't herself at all. Her skin tone was as white as snow instead of the dark tan skin she had, her nails were dirty, but the thing that stuck out the most was her clothes. It was the same clothing the rest of the bodies were wearing. With a forced and strangled gasp she shot upright, back in the office, alone, with the worst headache she could've possibly had gotten. Iris sighed with relief, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair with the gray cushioning doing nothing to help the hardness of the seat. What was that all about? Who were those people? Who was that girl she was? Then with a quick memory to the night before, she remembered the vision of all those people in that field, lying dead. Her blood ran cold, was that Deja Vu? Before she could ponder the idea any longer the door to the main office opened up, drawing her attention from the sudden noise in the quiet room. Her father walked inside and looked at her.

 He was tall and thin, and had pale skin and stern ocean blue eyes that told you he was important. His long thick curly brown hair was tied back in a neat braid, the work of her mother most likely. Iris looked more like her mother, but had the mindset of her father, always listen to the story before you make an opinion about someone. He stride over to her, and gently set his hand on her shoulder, "Hey there kiddo, let's go home?" He asked, his voice gentle like water flowing freely down a calm stream. Iris nodded and stood up, walking with her father towards the front desk to be signed out. As she waited for her father, Iris reached into her pocket and pulled out her pocket watch. The smooth bronze was warm from being in her pocket so long, the soft ticking eased her mind as she watched the hand move to show her it was now a quarter past one o'clock. She snapped out of her thoughts when her father gently held her hand and walked outside into the humid air. "Where did you get that pocket watch?" Iris's father inquired, raising an eyebrow. "I found it out in our yard, the battery works and it can tell time accurately." Iris spoke softly, watching her father simply nod his head and walk her to the grey car he owned.

Later on in the night, Iris sat on her bed, staring at the wall, now that she was finally in a quiet place she could sort out her thoughts and get a hold of herself. She could feel her mind began to wander off once more, and didn't try to fight it. Sometimes her curiosity got the better of herself more than she would like to admit. Besides, she had to know if she could slip away from this place, away from the fact Rose was gone and that she was alone, away from all her fears and worries, somewhere better. After a few moments of darkness just like before, she could faintly hear voices vaguely, a girl's voice that was far too serious to be her mother's voice and a male's voice a little too deep to be her father's. She tried to focus on what they were speaking of, but had awoken herself from her daydream. Iris took in a deep breath and sighed softly, leaning back on her bed to the cool and crinkled sheets of her bed. The lights were already off from earlier, so she didn't need to get up. Once again she reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the pocket watch. She held it enclosed in her small hands, her arms resting at her waist. Iris closed her eyes, drifting off into a restless and worrisome slumber, unprepared for what the next day had to bring. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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