The Soul Bound?

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                   Ruby woke up that morning from a very calm dream to her annoying pet cat Jinx jumping on her, she hated when he did that, but no matter what she did, he always woke her up some way or another, not really caring, "Wake up, time for school kid, today is a big day today." He said in a bored tone, he didn't need to yell or shout, just jumping on her did the trick just fine, besides, he only wakes her up for school in the morning so she could feed him, but that's every cat, it just so happens it's more annoying when your cat can talk. Her annoying talking cat of her's was a pest sometimes, but she still loved him, he was the best at telling stories and often times in winter he was there when no one else was, he stayed with her through thick and thin. He looked at her with his big blue eyes, which looked oddly human, making her heart melt from his cuteness. Sighing loudly she got up. Ruby had to admit he was the best alarm clock ever, annoying and everything. She already had on her dark grey robes on since she had fallen asleep in them, to tired to change out of them, that was the result of too much homework, she had stayed up until three just so she could get a few points of extra credit. Ruby couldn't be bothered to change anyway, so what was the point? Before she did anything else, she opened a small case of some sort of small smelly fish, spoiled little thing, and dumped it into Jinx's food bowl and refiled his water, just like she does every single day..

Ruby lazily brushed her black hair back into a small ponytail, using her hands as a comb, and grabbed her leather brown messenger bag with all her supplies in it, no point in eating breakfast. She checked her bag for all her things old ink bottles with stains on the cork, check, spotted white and brown quills made from owl feathers, check, old yellow crinkled parchment paper for spells, check, a small stack of spell books given out to students every year, check, empty old potion bottles for brewing, check, and a small yellow healing potion for emergencies, check. Heading over to the front door of the small cottage, Ruby sat down on the old chair she had and slipped on her ugly brown boots made from leather, not really new but not old and worn either, it looked like she would need new laces soon enough though, the ones she had were growing thin. She headed out, locking her the door manually behind herself, even though she could use magic for everything she did, Ruby prefers to save her energy in case she ever needed it. She started to walk to school. Melenia high school for the gifted and talented, or MSGT for short. Ruby had passed the entrance exam, and now her parents just dumped here in these awful place, it was so loud and colorful, in contrast to the small quiet home she grew up. Everyone thought she was weak, being quiet is showing your fears of others, but in Ruby's case, that's how she grew up, quiet and alone.

She kept walking to MSGT, passing the brightly colored tents that had been set up for sealing their wares, the path cold and wet from yesterday's down pouring, it was so harsh that it knocked down the tree next to the sweet shop, so she couldn't pick up a muffin like she usually does.Walked over the small patches of flowers on the long fields near the old castle the school was located in. As she approached the school, Ruby looked up at the old worn building, it was originally an old castle from eons ago, but was abandoned due to a rising war at that time. She sighed as she walked the big dull halls halls, candles floating from the ceiling brightly lighting the brass halls, the light look beautiful, it hurt her pale jade eyes. The walls were dulling from age.Ruby sighed softly, looking out the huge window, heading over to her first class, History of Magic. Walking into the slightly warmer classroom, Ruby sat at her wooden old desk, trying not to worrying about splinters. Looking through her old bag she pulled out her spell book, which smelled like old leather. Flipping through the pages she stopped at where the class had stopped yesterday and started reading it before school started. She read about how the king of Ignisa had claimed war against Melenia, the war was so bad that not even Spereo could save them. When she was halfway through the chapter Ruby heard the old bell on the tallest tower being rung, school had begun. She gently put back the bookmark she had earlier taken out and put away the book. She waited patiently. Mr. Jack put down the scrolls he was grading and waited for everyone to take their seats. Everyone slowly shuffled into their seats, taking out the supplies needed for today's lesson. Once everyone sat down he began class "Hello class, today we have the start of the magic duels! And we have a special guest joining in this year! Welcome Alexander the Pure Heart!" Mr. Jack said, his voice was far too cheerful and he was talking to fast for Ruby to understand even half of what he said. The old door swung open, a golden hue surrounding the old doors, it looked rather nice against the silver lining of the door.

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