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Ruby's body began to shake, the once strong and mysterious female now had all her shields and defenses torn down, revealing a small and broken frightened little girl, abandoned by all, thrown into this harsh world she calls life. She had no clue to who was after her, due to the high amount of magical items anybody could gain access  to. And what in the name of Ignisia was a soul-bound? Taking quiet  a few deep breathes Ruby forced herself  to be calm, there was no use to being panicked,  that would not help her scenario  one little bit. Griping the sides of the bronze sink she turned the knob, watching the cool water run, she splashed her face. The sudden shock of the cold water cleared  her mind, snapping her back to reality. Ruby looked into the old mirror, which was slightly cracked.

That was rather strange, just this morning it wasn't cracked. Pushing this thought to the side she glanced at her reflection. Blank face,  cold eyes, and her red lips pushed into on a small frown. She looked normal enough, the shields had been built up and the walls were thicker this time. Ruby was going to make sure no one ever broke her again. She stopped leaning on the sink and gently folded the note, she couldn't get rid of this vital  piece of evidence, and stuffed it into her pocket, after school it was decided.  She was gonna go to the library with Jinx to look up more information  on what a soul-bound was. Sharply turning on her heel, Ruby head straight towards the heavy gold and wood doors, pushing them open with a simple and graceful motion she had learned a while ago. Swiftly she walked down the halls, her head held high, hiding  all the fears and stress. As she walked down the halls hear dark leather boots clicked against the marble floors, worn with age, the cream colored walls stained with dirt and grim, making it much more depressing than it should have been, her shoulders were slumped, her brows furrowed,  she was so tired... Ruby didn't  want to face the aftermath of the fights the trio must have won by now, but at the same time she couldn't  miss class, after all she didn't  have a good reason to. Just having a bad feeling about someone justifies skipping classes and damaging her grades.

Reluctant  she head towards the door, with each step she grew more and more nervous. Three feet away, did they kill someone? Two feet away, Is something on fire? One foot away, Will she be okay? In front of  the door, here goes nothing. She pushed open the doors, her stomach twisting in horror. Every single student except the strange trio, was injured horribly. One boy had burn so bad that his skin was charred and puss was leaking from the wound, one girl had many stab wounds and was blinded. Ruby felt disgust and true and raw fear running through her? How could these monsters keep on attacking someone to the brink of death? Would she be forced to fight one of them? Why were they doing this?

Instead of walking towards  the guilty culprits, Ruby turned and  walked towards the instructor  who was healing all the injured people  with a few other teachers and students. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Ruby asked the young male. He looked up at her, his dull green eyes, tired beyond belief he nodded, "Heal anyone you can, pass it on." He muttered simply, too tired to even comprehend what was going on. Ruby nodded and hurried to heal a classmate . A sharp and cold sense of guilt pierced through her, like an icicle, upon seeing the severe stab wounds all over the girl, none of her vital organs, so the person who dealt the damage just wanted her to suffer. Even if she didn't particularly like her classmates, it didn't mean she wanted them to suffer.

No, none of them deserved this,they just wanted a place in this world, to be special, noticed. Ruby healed the poor student, feeling an increasing rage build up inside her, an explosive ready to go off, this wasn't right. No one should have to fight each other over knowledge. She has seen the closest of best friends go at each-others' throats like wild animals, trying to survive. It made her regret ever taking taking this idiotic subject, in class they encourage you to help others and be nice, but the minute the option is open, you are expected to forget all ties you had with someone and attack them, killing if necessary sometimes. That's part of the reason why Ruby didn't make friends, she never wanted the guilt of having someone so close to you, and you destroying what little hope there was in this fight, or survival of the fittest as most people would call it.

Ruby pushed these thoughts away, she can moron latter, right now, other people need her help. She moved onto another person, feeling a burning sensation on the back of her neck. Someone was staring her down. She knew who it was, the three culprits, the horrible people who hurt them, no, they weren't people, they were monsters.

She turned to face them, only to be face to face with the guy with the red orange eyes. "What do you want?" She spat out bitterly, he had helped cause this pain, he was the enemy. "Just wanted to talk, I had noticed you weren't here earlier, otherwise I would have spoke to you sooner." He said, his voice was calm and soothing, he seemed to be trying to comfort her, which was rather strange, since he helped hurt those people, right? Maybe he was trying to twist her mind of thinking he wasn't the bad guy. 

"Yeah, I had to go use the bathroom, I didn't think I would miss something this big." Ruby countered, if she was going to get anywhere, she had to be smart about her choices. Even if it meant leting her guard  down to lure him into her trap "Crazy huh? Never thought me and the others were that strong."  He gave a cheeky smile, his teeth were seemed to be a glaring white, Ruby held back the urge to nag him about his choice of words, "Hey, what's your name? I don't think I caught it when the teacher was doing roll call." Ruby eased, she had a way into getting information she needed without being aggressive, this guy must be using the same tactics,  getting her to trust him, to use her just like everyone else... "My name? Oh, my name is Damian. What's your name?" He replied kindly, his eyes lured her in, they were  so unique and yet so familiar. He was unfazed by the accusations made against him thankfully, otherwise  Ruby wouldn't be able to get anywhere with him.

"Ruby, that's my name. Hey, where you from? I can't say I've seen you around these parts..." She was getting suspicious now, and she narrowed her pale green eyes ever so slightly, silently noting his demeanor has changed, his small smile changed, anyone else would have missed it, into more of a grimace. Was she just over reacting as many before have told her, is he really dangerous,  or was he just being kind for the sake of being kind? "I traveled around the area, you know? I hop from place to place, never in one place for too long. What would be the fun in that when there is so many things to see and do?" Damien made big hand gestures as he talked, compelling  her to listen, and it was starting to unnerve her, she even couldn't  let anyone, the guilt, the pain of possibly hurting him was far to great, she would never let it hsppen again... "That's cool, I always wanted to travel, see the whole wide world, learn new things." He was just so curious, he must know so many secrets and hold many stories, she always loved stories and getting away from reality, and he must have some interesting ones from the way he was acting. "That sounds rather lovely. I hate to cut this  short, but I  have to go and see where I  can help."

He turned around on his heel in a rather comical style, his dark velvet cloak flowing in the wind, as he seemed to stroll away across the burnt and bloodied grass of the field, his black leather boots crunching  against the dead leaves. There was that word again, soul-bound..... What was the deal with that word? It's almost like a threat, that Ruby didn't know the meaning of quiet yet. She sighed, at war with herself. Was he really a evil person who enjoys hurting others? Or just a kid who doesn't  know his strength and when to stop? Why did she let him in? He seemed so nice, but it was a desperate  wish to even consider  being his friend. She's  hurt far too many people by calling them that.

 Shaking her head she turned towards the boy she wad healing. He was fine now, sleeping peacefully. Ruby sighed and moved on, repeating this process a few more times, more and more people joining in to help heal other people. This was going to be quiet a while before anyone could get home.

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