A Taste of Chaos.

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As Ruby finished up the last bit of her homework before school, she wondered how many people would be competing this year. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the apprentice of a great sorcerer? A crazy person defiantly, Ruby concluded, standing up and gently putting the scroll in her bag, "I'm heading to school Jinx, be good." She said, sleepy from lack of sleep. "Don't worry kid, I won't burn the place." The black cat said, still curled up on her bed. She bitterly wished that she could be in the place of the cat as she hurried out on the cold foggy morning to school. As she walked, she felt a knot of nervousness twisted into her stomach, how could she forget that today was practice? One on one, duels with different people to test your strength. Today was obviously going to be a tiresome day.

Ruby approached the tall stone building with all it's glory in the dawn's light, making the building seem even more magnificent than it already was. She passed the huge wooden gates, her head tilted down, her eyes pointed towards the floor as the unique stone pattern on the stone. 'This place is even colder inside then out there..' she though to herself in distaste, the once brass walls were now faded from the many years it survived storms of all sorts.

Ruby walked into her class and sat down at her desk in the old rickety chair that squeaked any time you sat in it wrong, pulling out her notes and homework for this class. She had stayed up almost the whole night to finish her work in order to keep up her grades, as Ruby looked around the room something caught her eye, three boys. One with dark blond hair leaning against the wall, she couldn't see his eyes since his bangs covered them, a smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall, another boy slightly taller than him had brownish red hair, his face held a harsh scowl, his orange red eyes looked like they were glowing slightly as he stood next the other two boys, and finally the shortest boy, with bright orange hair, with green eyes with flecks of gold in them, he was smiling but his smile looked menacing, as if he was taunting her about how she knew they were bad news but couldn't do anything about it.

Ruby forced her eyes away from from them, pulling out her small notebook and writing down a few pieces of info down she had gathered from looking at those three boys. After a minute of doing this, the old bell chimed the same old tune it had for years, signaling that it was time to head to class. Ruby put away her notebook, sighing.


Ruby hadn't been able to get much work done that day. Something about those boys nagged her to get away from them, how they were evil and would hurt her if she let her guard down. Ruby shook her head slightly to rid of these thoughts as she and many other people head down to the training grounds to practice dueling for the trails. Basically, one person would challenge anther person to a fight, and they would head onto the mat to fight while everyone watched to observe what to expect in the duels. 

Ruby watched as a few brave souls stood in front of the group, ready to pick a fight. She couldn't tear her eyes away from one girl named Willow, who picked a fight with the boy with the orange red eyes. Willow was a shallow and egotistical girl who was always picking fights with people stronger than her to prove she was the best. That poor fool looked confident as the boy shrugs his shoulder and walked across from her a few meters away, getting into position to fight. The minute he got to position, the teacher in charge of that small section declared the fight to begin. Willow rose her hands up and lit them with green flames, instantly throwing the small flame at the boy with amazing speed. He moved out of the way much faster,  summoning a ring of darkness around Willow, blinding her as he made lighting strike her in multiple times, causing everyone to gasp. No one except some the highest spell casters knew how to combine magic like that, it was far to difficult and complex, much less cast it in less than a minute. 

The boy's face held a cold and emotionless smirk on his face as Willow fell down, knocked out from the heavy blows of lightning. Even though Willow wasn't that strong, she never has been knocked cold that fast in a battle. A few students instantly rushed to her side and carried her to the medical center. The boy looked towards his two 'friends' and nodded, walking back into the crowd as everyone watched, some complimented him while others watched in fear of him. He obviously liked this as he gave a sick and twisted smirk at everyone who cowered away from him, making him seem inhumane.

A few seconds later, the teacher snapped out of it and called for another student to take Willow's place for the fight to continue. Ruby made up her mind to go splash her face with water to calm herself down. She excused herself and let the instructor know where she was going to be and head down the hall to the washroom. Her footsteps echoed down the long and empty hallway, her head spinning with questions. Who was that boy? How is it possible that he was that strong? Why is he here? As she wondered about him some more she didn't notice footsteps following right behind her.

Ruby was about halfway down the hall when something cold and sharp was held against her throat, "Scream and I'll slit your throat before anyone can find you." A voice behind her hissed. The voice was male and cold, making her pale. "What do you want?" Ruby asked softly, keeping calm even though she was petrified. She felt something be shoved into her hands. "Don't turn around or move until you hear the door leading outside close." The voice instructed and released her from his grasp, slowly walking back down the hall. Ruby didn't move an inch until she heard the door leading to the field close, when she was certain it was safe to move she bolted down the hall to the washroom. Once in the safety of the washroom, Ruby splashed her face with cold water, then looked into the mirror to see if she was hurt. All see saw was her green eyes staring back at her, her ruby red lips looked so out of place on her. She was very pale, had black hair and jade green eyes, her red lips were the only thing that stood out about her.

Quickly remembering the incident, she looked at what was given to her. It was a letter, written on parchment paper, the crinkled yellow paper was folded up neatly and a few spots of ink were visible from the outside of the letter. With her hands shaking uncontrollably Ruby opened the letter.

'We know who you are spirit bound. Watch your back, if you aren't careful, you will getting a taste of how powerful us chaos bringers are.'

Ruby didn't know what the letter was talking about, but those words brought shivers down her spine. She couldn't get help, she didn't even know who gave her the letter, much less if people would believe her. This couldn't be good..... 

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