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it's not like aki wanted to almost run over angel. he's not the biggest fan of him but he still would not like to go to jail for vehicular manslaughter.

he was simply running late because a certain someone wouldn't stop clinging to his leg as if he were a toddler.

"denji, why do you always do this?" aki sighs as he stands still, not even attempting to shake off the young boy from his leg anymore.

"because i don't want you to go."

"you can play with power while i'm gone." he says as looks down into denjis round eyes that don't seem to move from aki.

"i don't want to. she never lets me play with her and tells me i'd be better off if i started chewing the walls instead."

aki frowns. sure, power said strange stuff but she was a teenager and denji was only a kid. but then again when he was a teen, he didn't exactly tell people to start chewing on the walls.

"okay well i have class in thirty minutes and i'm going to be late if i don't go now." aki says and denji perks up from those words.

"then let me go with you!" denji grins as he still latches onto the mans pant leg.


"what?" denji whines as he tangles his limbs even tighter around akis leg, "please!"

aki looks down at denji who is staring up at him with his wide brown eyes that are practically watering at the sound of akis voice.

"denji, i really don't have time for this," aki groans as he glances at the clock on the wall. he only had twenty minutes and the drive over took fifteen minutes.

"then take me!" denji shouts and all aki can do is sigh at the young boy. aki glances at the clock before back at denji and then back at the clock before he decides, fuck it and sprints out of the door, praying to whatever religious being was out there that if denji decided to chase him down that power would be there to catch him and take him back up to the apartment.

aki sighs as he pushes the button on the elevator of his apartment complex and slumps against the elevator wall panels and he does not see the young boy running after him.

the drive over is short as always but that does not stop him from constantly checking the clock in his car every few seconds as if once he will look over that suddenly an hour has passed. aki drives quickly as he remembers how much his professor despises when people are late and aki would really, really love to not get on his psychology professor's nerves at this very time in the semester. as he thinks in his head, he does not happen to spot a patch of salmon colored hair in the distance. only after a second does he see the person before abruptly stopping, nearly hitting the person who was sitting near the road on a bench.

aki stops as he breathes heavily as he focuses on what he had nearly done.

aki only realizes what a mistake he had made until seconds later. angel had forgiven him, well at most as you can possibly forgive a man for nearly running you over and ending your life early. aki walks in silence with angel as they walk the nearly empty halls together.

"how have you been?" aki says and angel glances up at him before going back to staring down the halls.

"you don't need to force a conversation." angel says and aki nods in silence. right. angel was never too fond of meaningless conversation.

"right. sorry." aki says and angel says nothing again with no sign that he even heard him.

the sound of their footsteps are all that's heard in the hallway before rapid footsteps come from behind the two and into a nearby classroom, their psychology class.

the two enter the class and sit away from each other. it's not that they don't like each other, they just aren't close and that's that. he watches as angel sets his bag down beside him and quietly sets up. a woman nearby speaks to him as aki watches him nod and glance towards her with those droopy eyes of his.

class soon starts and soon aki's hand does not get a break from the amount of words their professor gets out with little to no stop coming soon.

their professor smiles as they stop the slideshow that they had put upon the board for teaching.

"now, we do have a project coming up soon so please partner up first." their teacher smiles at them and quickly do others stand up and begin to find their friends or even acquaintances. aki walks to angel who is sat alone with seemingly no motivation to even move a muscle from his seat.

"do you have a partner?" aki asks and angel glances at him. aki's hands are fumbling with his pant pockets as he awaits an answer from angel.

"i do not." angel says, "you want to be partners, don't you?"

aki nods, "uh-huh. i don't really know anybody else so..."

"right. sit down." angel says and aki pulls out a chair and sits beside him in silence. they say nothing between the two of them and only watch as everyone attempts to find someone else.

"alright!" the teacher claps as she sees everyone grouped into duos, "the project will be on attraction." 

RETURNS TO NOTHING / AKIANGELWhere stories live. Discover now