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aki's stupid. he knows this. he has no reason as to why he should be going to angel's parents house other than the fact that he's concerned. sure, a phone call could have done the job but no, he wants to be stubborn and physically see angel.

"so... how far away are you?" angel's groggy voice wakes aki out of his thoughts.

sure, aki was stupid but he wasn't stupid enough to show up to someone's home unannounced, alright?

"about five minutes." aki says, "what did you tell your mom i was coming over for? because as much as i like you i don't think i'm ready to meet your parents in a romantic way."

"oh shut up." angel groans and aki can hear the rustling of sheets and then angel speaks again but this time his voice is slightly muffled, "i told her that you were here to check on me and catch me up with class."

"well, that's good since i did not come empty handed." aki grins as he hears angel's breath come to a pause on the other hand.

"you did not."

"i did." aki smiles, "it's not like i'm gonna ask super deep questions and you know that we can always stop when you want."

"okay." angel says, "hurry up."

the phone call ends as aki nears up towards the street. aki parks his car onto the driveway of angel's house. his or well, his parents' house was small and cozy which aki cannot help but feel as if that describes angel perfectly.

aki rings the doorbell to be met with a woman with dark brown hair with white strands through them but even though her hair showed her old age, her face most certainly did not.

"ah, you must be angel's friend, huh?" she asks and aki cannot help but feel awkward by the emphasis she put on his status as a friend.

"uh-huh," aki nods awkwardly, "we are definitely friends, nothing more."

his mother laughs softly, her eyes crinkling as her smile meets her eyes, "alright, come on in. his room is the second door on the left."

aki nods as he walks down the short hallway, glancing at childhood pictures that were framed upon the wall. one was of him as a child with both his parents– even as a child he still had that same blank look that he wears even to this day. many of the photos were taken when he was a child, very few were taken when he was in middle school or even high school. only a single photo was framed upon the wall that was of him when he was an adult and it was his highschool graduation, it seems.

aki knocks softly on the door of what his mother said was angel's room, only to be met with a soft groan. taking that as an answer, aki opens the door to be met with a dark room. it was as if a vampire lived in this room, not some lanky twenty-something year old. aki looks around the room– it was filled with posters and shelves full of books, along with the desk which had papers messily strewn about.

in the center of the room was angel's bed and a large blanketed blob on it. that, of course, was angel.

"it's so dark in here." aki says as he shuts the door close.

"don't turn the light on." angel says, his voice muffled underneath the piles of blankets he was under.

"so dark in here, though." aki grumbles as he walks over to his bed and lifts one of the blankets off of him to see a glimpse of angel's sickly looking face.

strands of his hair stuck to his face and his eyebags were worse than usual (which says a lot for angel). his face is more pale and thinner than usual. aki didn't like seeing him like this, he enjoyed seeing the way his chubby cheeks would puff up as he spoke.

"do you want the questions now or later?" aki asks as he sets the stack of papers on angel's bedside table before the other man even had the chance to respond.

"now would be fine but i don't know if i'll make it through all of them." angel says as he sits up in bed as aki sits next to him, a space between them.

"that's fine. take your time and i'll be with you, okay?" aki asks and angel nods as he shifts in his bed. 

RETURNS TO NOTHING / AKIANGELWhere stories live. Discover now