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"What time is it?" Heather asked her father's- her secretary Mary, who didn't look like she loved working past her closing time.

"It's past seven ma'am." She was still polite even if her face spoke volumes.

"Thank you Mary." Heather wanted to keep her for a little while, mostly because the building was empty save for the security guards going about their rounds. She was lonely. "Maybe you can pack up and go since I'm almost done."

Mary jumped up, hooking her bag over her shoulders before Heather completed her sentence. "Thank you so much ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow."

Heather sighed when her door clicked shut, the files that were once piled on her father's desk was now down to just few which gave Heather the chance to stretch her arms over her head, wincing at the soreness in her joints and gagging at how bad she smelt.

A quick run in with her father had turned into a five days affair where she was neck deep in documents and meetings, five days of glaring across the table at shareholders who called for a meeting if the wind blew in a direction they didn't like or if someone sneezed a certain way. Maxwell took pleasure in letting his daughter fill in for every meeting blatantly ignoring her request to hash out the issue on ground.

Knowing her father's game plan, she sent her secretary to those meetings and rejected every meeting where her father wasn't attending with the full intention to solidify his claim on the ranch and allow her return to the woman she loved. Heather closed her heavy eyes, envisioning Shelby because that was the only way she could have her lover, only in mind.

The work load her father had left for her left her no choice but to sleep in the office; sleep meaning sleepless nights at her desk signing off paper after paper and reading documents till her eyes bled. The office blinds had been shut tight since she assumed role of CEO, she almost couldn't differentiate between day and night, always getting her answers when Mary clocked into work with a different attire. 

Not daring to look at the mirror standing mightily by her desk, Heather picked just her phone and car keys; it took a while before her waist clicked back into place and her legs remembered how to function. Nodding at the security guards making their rounds, Heather stepped into her private elevator that would take her to her reserved car space. The urge to call Shelby was almost indulged but the sudden elevator ding snapped her out of it, her father was brewing something, a storm she couldn't foresee. Hopefully the cavalry she sent for got there before it hit.


"Good morning ma'am." Mary's brow raised in shock, the blinds were open and Heather stood staring at the busy streets with the people who rushed through them towards their own version of a taste of the big apple.

"Morning Mary. Do I have any other document that needs my signature."

"No but there is a meeting by seven." 

"You'll have to attend that-"

"Mr. Maxwell asked that you attend it ma'am."

"I will not attend any meetings except Mr. Maxwell attends that meeting." Heather stifled a laugh when a young girl tripped over nothing and spilled the coffee she was holding on a much older woman who just stared at her suit and kept walking.

New York, the place to make or break your dreams. When you were made in New York, all you had to do was keep up the niceties and rub shoulders with the ones who have been in the game, get that right and you wouldn't be living your dreams in your head.

"Daydreaming as always."

Heather didn't turn even when the voice registered in her head, "Hello father."

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