Classes and booze

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Y/N pov

Our first class is botanical sciences from ms Thornhill "Everybody please sit down so we can start our lesson." Wen sat next to Enid, but I already saw another familiar face "How's my favorite artist doing?" he turned around and smiled when he saw me "Y/N/N what are you doing here?" Xavier asked while hugging me "Oh I'm just here to walk around and make your life miserable." "Oh why thank you." I sat next to him and while our teacher started rambling about different plans I caught up with my best friend

"So how've you been? Still madly in love with my sister?" he started blushing a bit "I've thought about it and I'm going to ask her out." "When?" "Some time this week." I looked at him with a little bit of skepticism "Uhuh yeah right." "No I am! Really!" "SHHH." "Sorry." we said in unison "Anyways how have you been Y/N/N?" "Very good, thanks for asking. What about you?" "Well I have to tell you something that I just couldn't tell you over the phone." my eyes widened "What is it?" "Cornelius died." "NOOOOOO!" "Ms Addams would you care to share with the class what you find more interesting than my lesson." "I just found out my dog died." she stood still for a moment "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I just nodded and she continued with her lesson "Did he really pass away? When?" "Last Friday." I hugged him, we basically grew up with that dog, it was a cocker spaniel with the fluffiest tail you'd ever seen.

After that class we had free period, I went to sit by the lake and listen to some songs. "Hello ms Addams." "Hey ms Weems!" I said, she sat down next to me "Are you alright?" "Well not really." "What's wrong?" "I just found out that my best friend's dog died. We grew up together so he was basically my dog as well." "Oh I'm very sorry to hear that, I know the loss of a pet can be tragic." "Thank you ms Weems." I said goodbye and went to my room.

Time skip in the evening

It's Friday, so I took out my secret bottle of apple gin and started drinking. I'd downed half the bottle when I heard a sudden -knock knock- I quickly hide the bottle under my bed and say "Come in!" "Good evening ms Addams." *shit* "Language" I tried to act as sober as I could "Why hello ms Weems, what a lovely surprise to see you here. To what do I owe this pleasure?" "Well I was wondering if you'd like to get to know each other a bit better. I've known the other students for years, but I don't really know you." *Really now?* "Is there something more important you have to do?" "No miss, but here's something you'd maybe like to know. On Friday evenings I drink to not feel all of my pain for a few hours." "So you're drunk right now?" "No, I'm not stupid I don't get drunk, I'm just tipsy." "Well I won't tell anyone or do anything if you'll give me some." I grab the bottle from under my bed and hand it to her "This is quite strong." "Yeah but I'm not a lightweight." "Oh I see, well yeah if you've downed half of the bottle and you're just tipsy, you can definitely handle your booze."

After they both got really tipsy

"Have you ever been in love? Like have you found the Therèse to your Carol?" "Not yet, what about you?" "Well kind of. I fell in love with my teacher on my previous school, that's one of the reasons that I changed schools." she looked at me with an interested look on her face "But also because I kicked 5 guys in the nuts because they were bullying my brother. 3 of them can never have children now. Which is for the best. Some people should not be allowed to procreate." I whispered "I agree." she said with a little giggle.

We talked for 2 more hours before both falling asleep on my bed.


Hope y'all liked it!

Love y'all💞


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