You and I

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Y/N pov
I woke up really early, got ready and left to meet up with Enid and Wen. When I get there, I see them cuddling and kissing each other *Aww how cute.* I thought, not only because it was freaking cute, but also to see if Rissa's awake yet. No answer, so she must still be asleep "Okay love birds get off of each other so we can get to work. There's a lot that needs to be done by tonight."

I'm going to propose to Rissa tonight. We went far into the forest and got everything set up. We made a heart out of rose petals, set up some candles, of course didn't light them yet. And then I showed them the ring.

"OH MY GOD!!! It's beautiful!!!" They said in unison "Why thank you

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"OH MY GOD!!! It's beautiful!!!" They said in unison "Why thank you." I said with a wink. By now it was 11 am and I got a head message 'Darling, where are you?' *I'm in the forest, I'll be there in a few minutes. Also, wanna go on a date today?* 'Sure baby, where?' *Let me handle that.* 'Alright.' "Okay, so you guys will have to stay here and guard the heart, I put a spell on it so the wind and animals won't ruin it, but please stay with it anyway." I said with puppy dog eyes "Alright, Y/N/N we'll guard your heart." I smiled and hugged them.

I had also prepared where we would have our date, I had Xav clean out the shed for me and I decorated it to make it the perfect date spot.

(Kind of like this but then inside the shed)I went to check on it and everything was perfect, Yoko was finishing up on cooking the food and Bianca was ready to be our waitress "Thanks fir doing this guys!" they smiled at me and I went to get Rissa

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(Kind of like this but then inside the shed)
I went to check on it and everything was perfect, Yoko was finishing up on cooking the food and Bianca was ready to be our waitress "Thanks fir doing this guys!" they smiled at me and I went to get Rissa.

"Babe, are you in here?" "Yep, I'm doing my makeup, I'll be there in a sec!" I smiled, I'm going to propose to the woman of my dreams tonight. she got out of the bathroom, looking gorgeous.

I was nervous, excited and ready to die all at once

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I was nervous, excited and ready to die all at once. Or as Pinkie Pie calls it; I'm nervicited!

"Darling, are you alright?" I looked up at her and smiled "I couldn't be better Rissa!" I gave her a quick kiss and went to change into something more date-appropriate.

"Darling, are you alright?" I looked up at her and smiled "I couldn't be better Rissa!" I gave her a quick kiss and went to change into something more date-appropriate

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(Your outfit)

(Rissa's outfit)I just stare at her, too stunned to speak "Sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous!" she smiled "Well you don't look too bad yourself, darling

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(Rissa's outfit)
I just stare at her, too stunned to speak "Sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous!" she smiled "Well you don't look too bad yourself, darling." she kissed my cheek, I offered my arm and we teleported right in front of the shed "Darling, what are we doing here?" "Just open the door" she hesitantly opened the door, but gasped when she saw what was waiting for her inside.

"Oh Y/N/N it's beautiful!" we ate dinner and went for a walk. I brought her to the rose heart with my hands in front of her eyes. Made sure that Enid and Wen were gone and then got down one knee. She gasped again "Larissa, with you I feel like I can breath, like I can be myself, like nothing in the world matters except for us. I love you so much it hurts when we're apart. So let's never be apart. Larissa Weems will you marry me?" "Well I can't really say no." she pulls a box out of her purse and opens it to show a beautiful peridot ring "Wait, you were going to propose as well?" she nodded, I put the red ring on her finger and she puts the green one on mine. We sealed it with a kiss.

(Rissa's ring for you)

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(Rissa's ring for you)

I've never been so happy.

Aaaaah I was smiling the whole time while writing this chapter!!!
Love y'all💞

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