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          IF THERE WERE MOMENTS that felt straight out of a coming of age movie, this would be framed as one

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          IF THERE WERE MOMENTS that felt straight out of a coming of age movie, this would be framed as one. It was as one of those summer afternoons back in your childhood were your parents let you stay out until late, knowing you were creating memories of a lifetime with your clique. Only Stella hadn't had that, so this was her version.

One's man trash is another's man treasure, they say. And the outcome of yesterday's stormy-weather had resulted in an endless day of relaxing and fun for these group of teens. With the paddle-board surfboards they carried in the vehicle, Stella and Kiara showed offed the rest, with their fantastic balancing skills that neither one could hold as well.

"If it wasn't for everything else, I'd say this was one of our best days yet."

Part of the group turned to face the blonde teen's vocal thoughts, as he himself stared at the flat water in front of them, who was once rumbled around by their swimming, playfully pushing and water sports skills.

It was unanimous, however. How such a chaotic moment they went through as a group and as individuals, had turned into a moment where their concerns and problems managed to vanish for the time being.

Back in the car for their ride back, the sunset had already left the horizon but the sun still left its peaks of light illuminating the sky, leaving that beautiful beginning-of-evening daze to illuminate the atmosphere and faces. The light summer breeze flowed through hairs and clothes, mashing alongside King of a One Horse Town streaming out of the old Twinkie's speakers.

Yet another scene you wish you could frame in your memory.

For some reason, this particular song meshed well with the scenery and each and everyone of the main character inside this van, related to it in their own way.

Stella's eyes were glued to the dirt road and tall trees that surrounded their journey, unable to focus on anything else. This was nothing like home, yet it felt like it.

Moving her gaze in between windows and towards the right side, it met the blue eyes placed straight ahead of hers. Sat by the back of the van, back stuck to the van's doors, the teen was surprised her eyes met his longing ones, for the first time during that car ride. Upon an unexpected gaze-encounter, they shared a smile — hers naive, his sympathetic. 

𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐔 ━ jj maybank (in edit);Where stories live. Discover now