Scott McCall x Kali

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Kali waited for Scott to come home for his lacrosse game. She knew he had a habit of coming home late due to some supernatural disaster happening in this crazy small town of their's. So she was washing the dishes as a way to pass the time. It's what she always did if he was late, if he didn't arrive on time, then she would wash the dishes. It was almost soothing for her. To have something else to focus on. Even if there was nothing that needed washing, she would just take a plate out of the cabinet and just start washing it mindlessly. But it's been an hour. Too long for her to focus on anything else. They were going to watch a movie for their date night, he was always late on date night. But this time felt different.

She hoped nothing bad had happened. She prayed really. Scott was so pure, so good, if anything happened to him she would literally kill everybody responsible. But she knew he wouldn't like that. She could see why the twins wanted to be in his pack. Until Aidan died and it was just Ethan. What she didn't understand was why Ethan wanted to leave in the first place, Scott would have taken him in. After all he was twice the leader Deucalion ever was, and ten times the mate Ennis could ever more ways than one.

But something's she just doesn't understand, like why Scott, after everything she did, to Derek, his friends, and to him, why he would let her in, let her join his pack. Why he would choose to be her mate. He was a true alpha!! He deserves better then her.

She felt herself getting worked up and put her hands on the kitchen sink to steady herself. Melissa was generous enough to let her live in her home with Scott, she didn't need a angry she-wolf tearing the place up. When Jennifer mortally wounded her at Derek's loft, she lost her ability to control herself, and her shift. She was still an alpha unlike the twins, but she was one with no control. Scott helped her with that, he made her feel special and loved, every time she saw him her worries melted away. But when he was gone like this, it made her very nervous.

She thought back to the time when she came back to beacon hills, after she had secured Deucalion's fabulous wealth, being the only alpha left in the pack. When she got back, she heard about Aidan. Guilt overflew her, he was a pack member. It was like losing a limb after all. But she found comfort in Scott, she joined up with him and became his mate. After a while they start living together, and then sleeping together. That thought warmed her from the inside out. Being with him, alone and without a care in the world. She felt herself gravitate back down to earth, her body relaxed as she thought about the two of them naked, in the same bed, doing....things.

Her thoughts however were interrupted by Scott walking through the door. She turned around to face him with a smile plastered on her face, only to find him covered in blood, and limping.

"Oh my god" she said as she instinctively went to his side. She set him down by the table as she grabbed a wash cloth to wipe the blood off. Usually she wasn't the caring kind, but with Scott it was different, she was different, he made her a better person and she knew it. She would never leave him, no matter what.

Half of Scott's body was covered in blood, his blood, and Kali was furious. Not at him, but at whomever committed the atrocity, she would kill him and his whole family for this. Nobody would hurt her mate and get away with it, not even Deucalion.

Her eyes glowed red as she wiped the blood. He was still in his lacrosse uniform, so something must had happened at the game, his game. The game she should have been at, Damnit! She was never interested in sports, so she never went, and Scott never forced her. That's as one of the things she loved about him. He was the rarest kind of alpha, but he still treated everybody else as equals.

Her hands kept shaking as she tried to wash the blood. Scott noticed her eyes glowing so he took her hands in his.
"It's okay, I'm fine. The wound already healed" he said to reassure her, no it wasn't. "What happened? I should have been there, to protect you" she said tearing flowing down her face. "I don't need protecting, it wasn't your fault" he said comforting, Ennis was never comforting, not like he was. He held her close and waited for the crying to stop. "It's okay, shhh" he would say every now and then to ease her emotions. He loved her with her whole heart, words would never describe how much.

While she cleaned the blood he told her what happened and his plan to catch the Beast of Gevaudan with the help of his friends, his pack, and how it all went horribly wrong. How the beast killed several people and cornered Scott in the library. How he had to fight that thing in order to protect the people trapped inside with him. How he would have died if his friends hadn't shown up.

She sat him down on the couch, grabbed some snacks, turned on TV after she placed the movie in the DVD player and sat next to him. She cuddled into his side and press the play button. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "What are we watching?" He asked. "The wolf man" she responded with a smirk on her face causing him stifle into a laugh. Something that only Scott knew about her is that she had a sense of humor. One he found adorable and always laughed at.

They watched the movie in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company for the rest of the night.

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