Scott McCall x hayley marshell part two

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Scott had a strange dream about Hayley, the mesmerizing, completely unforgettable and highly attractive person that he meet at the hospital. She really was gorgeous. But he didn't know what it meant, the dream. He had a feeling there was more to it then he realized but with no way to tell for sure, he was stuck in the dark with questions.

So he just pretended that the dream didn't mean anything. He got up and got dressed. He grabbed his bag and headed for school, or at least he was headed for school until he realized that it was a weekend. He was rushing through the kitchen trying to pack his lunch because he was so sure he would be late, that by the time he noticed what date it was on the calendar, he had spent the most frustrating five minutes of his life trying to make a sandwich. His bag slumped off his shoulders and he groaned as walked back stairs mentally blaming himself for being oblivious to what day it was.

Melissa had her hands full, over the last two weeks patients have come and gone through beacon memorial. Some of them died, overs lived but with no memory of what happened. But one thing all of them had in common is that they all had marks on their necks, like fang marks, and they were all dried up of blood. The lucky ones had gotten a transfusion time, others never even made to the hospital. She was sitting at the front desk when Scott brought her lunch.
"Oh thank you sweetie but I've seen things today that have officially ruined my appetite" she said causing her son to give her a knowing look. "But maybe not completely" she said snatching the bag out of his hands.

"So when are you coming home, your a little stressed" Scott asked worry creeping into his tone. "Believe me Scott, as soon as the work load piles down I'm outta here" Melissa gestures using her thumb.

Hayley was watching from the distance, smiling at the kindness Scott had shown his mother. Elijah never did anything like that for her.

A little while later Scott ran into Hayley again by the elevator. "Hey" he said "Hey yourself" she replied with a smile.
"Are you visiting someone?" He asked. Hayley was touched by the concern and blushed heavily. "It's a long story" she said, "it's a slow elevator" he replied grinning causing her to grin.

The two don't know what happened next or how they got there, all they know was one minute they were talking in an elevator shaft and the next they were sprawled all over Scott's bed moaning in pleasure and sweating like crazy.
When they finished they woke up in bed besides each other.

"So, your a werewolf?" Scott asked, "yes" Hayley replied, as she remembered when she and Scott "finished" they accidentally shifted. Hayley's eyes glows bright yellow with the black veins running down her face, and Scott fully shifted with his red eyes and fangs. "Well part werewolf Anyways" she said. "What do you mean, like your only half werewolf. Is that why your shift is different?" Scott asked growing curiouser by the minute.

"No, you and I are very different species of werewolves. From what I've heard they are a lot of different kinds, but you and me basically belong to the same family tree" Hayley said impressing Scott with her knowledge on werewolves.

"So your a different kind of werewolf, who are the others?" Scott asked just now becoming aware of the fact that there are more out there like him then he realized. "I don't know, but like I said I'm part werewolf. I'm a hybrid, part werewolf, part vampire" Scott paused at that last part. Vampire, He thought. His brain racing at a thousand miles an hour. Did he sleep with a murderer.

Hayley noticed his hesitation. "So you've heard of vampires?" She questioned looking down, hoping he wouldn't react badly. Secretly she was afraid of this, she may be part werewolf. But vampires and werewolves will always hate each other in some way. "My best friend's dad is the sheriff, they're bodies all over town. Drained of blood" Scott replied.
Hayley tried not to look him in the eyes, but she couldn't help herself. She found that he was actually not judging or accusing, he just wanted to know what happened to the innocent people in town. She could tell.

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