Scott McCall x Hope Mikaelson

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Ever since the events of Monroe and Gerard turning half the town into werewolf hating werewolf hunters,
Scott's been staying at a different school. The Salvatore boarding school to be specific. A place, a sanctuary
for supernatural creatures like himself. A place for all different kinds of werewolves, vampires, and witches.

The people there don't know much about him, just that he's a powerful alpha werewolf and to not try and mess with him. In a way he prefers it. Having secrets, things he has that he can keep to himself. And not knowing anybody well enough to get them hurt because of him. That what Scott loves about temporary moving to mystic falls. Sure he misses his friends back at beacon hills, but here, nobody knows him, nobody to get close, nobody to get hurt. And it wasn't all bad, he even made new friends, Landon and Rafael who both went to the same school that he did. And when they learned what type of werewolf he was they immediately wanted to join his pack. And he let them, he couldn't say no because not saying yes is what got Aiden, Ethan's twin brother, killed.
He should have helped them more. He promised himself not try and make friends, but he didn't try, it just happened.

Hope Mikaelson has been staring at Scott McCall sitting down at the cafeteria table in front of her for the past 30 minutes, talking to Rafael and Landon and his eating lunch.

"Your still crushing on him?" Josie who was sitting right next to her asked. "I just wish he'd noticed me" she groaned.
"I just wish that you'd have the guts to actually go and talk to him, he's a nice guy...from what I can tell" Josie said and Hope sighed. "I just get so nervous, I've tried talking to him before. But it never goes well, what if he has a girlfriend or what if he doesn't even like me?" she asked. "Well there is only one way to find out" Josie said smiling.

Later that day Hope was walking to Scott's dorm room rehearsing what she was going to say. "This is a bad idea" she mumbled to herself as she walked up to the door. Usually Hope was very confident around boys she liked, but Scott was different. He was a different type of werewolf for one, and he was not just an alpha, but a True Alpha. A werewolf who rises to the rank based on shear willpower and pure heart, and she was the daughter of the great evil, Klaus Mikaelson he would never like her.

She reached out to knock, but stopped shortly. She pulled her hand back, she was too shy around Scott, too nervous.
Sure she was the tribrid, the only one in existence, but her family carried too much baggage. Scott was very against killing, which confused a lot of people. Even if it was justified, he made it known the second he got here. Maybe that's why she liked Scott so much, people keep asking him why he hates killing so much, well maybe Scott's not like that, maybe he's better. Better than them.

She walked back down the hallway and accidentally bumped into somebody because she wasn't watching. "Oh sorry" she apologized until she saw who she bumped into. "It's all good, no worries" he said. Hope couldn't help but stare into Scott's his deep brown eyes, and couldn't stop herself from admiring Scott's facial features. She smiled to herself and giggled.
When she saw the confused look on Scott's face she immediately mentally slapped herself. "U-uh, um...hi" she tried, but that's all she could manage. Why couldn't she just be confident around him for once, get him to notice her in that way just once. "Oh, um hi" Scott said. He knew the girl in front of him was Hope Mikealson, he heard all the rumors about her family, and knew that she was the most confident fearless girl in the school. So why was she nervous every time she tried to talk to him, is what he would be thinking if he couldn't smell chemo signals like he could. He could tell she was crushing, big time. The only question is why?

Hope turned to walk (maybe run ) away. But before she could Scott grabbed her arm. "You were standing outside my dorm, was there something you wanted to ask me?" He asked. Hope had no idea how to respond, but she figured it was now or never. "I-I was w-wondering I-if you maybe...w-wanted to g-go out with me" she squeaked out mentally shaming herself for not being more casual about it. She hated how much she was crushing.

She looked down with tears welling in her eyes, of course he was gonna say no. He barely knew her, no way he wanted to take her out. He probably think she was weird and would never want to be seen with her ever again.

"Sure" she heard him say. She almost couldn't believe it, he said yes. "R-really" she asked unsure if she was dreaming.
"Yeah sure, but I don't any good places. Do you think I could get your phone number and we could talk?" he asked.
Her smile went ear to ear as she almost squealed herself to death. The two exchanged phone numbers and agreed for the location of the date, Scott knew he couldn't spend all his time studying and needed to get out every once and a while, and something tells him that he's going to enjoy the company of a certain tribrid with auburn hair.

Said tribrid was currently walking back down the hall with her confidence coming back to her. She swayed her hips because she knew Scott was watching, and boy did she love putting on a show for him.

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