Scott mccall x kate argent

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"Hey Scottie" Kate teased over the phone. "Kate, it's...1 in the morning" Scott groaned in annoyance, lately Kate had been sending him phone calls every night at the earliest hour possible just to annoy the young Mccall for reasons he could not understand.

For some unknown reason, after the events of Monroe and her hunters coming to beacon hills and causing havoc and mass murder to anybody related to the supernatural world, Kate decided to call Scott at the most inconvenient times, like now, at 1 in the morning. "Aw, come on Scott. It's just some harmless fun" Scott could practically hear her smirk through the phone, "Kate I'm tired, I wanna go sleep. If it's not important" Scott said "then don't call, but where's the fun in that!?" Kate replied laughing through the phone.

Scott let out a groan, but then had an idea. "I have something for you" he said, Kate raised an eyebrow. "And what would it be" she said, "a surprise, if you can manage not to call me for a week then you'll get it" he grinned.

"What's in it for me?" She asked, "I understand if you want to back out, you might not be strong enough" he smirked and now Kate's interest was peaked. "Fine see you in a week Scottie" she said before hanging up. "Finally" Scott said before going back to sleep.

Kate tried, she really did, but messing with the alpha was too tempting. She picked up the phone and dialed the number, but it went to voice mail, of course. Now Kate was a little miffed, but she had managed to make it 3 days in so she decided to go the full mile. 2 more days went by and Kate was freaking out, did he mean a school week or a full week? She rambled on in her head. She decided to wait two more days just in case, because she really wanted that surprise.

After the wait was finally over she called Scott again, "hey Scottie" she said smirking as she heard the long sigh on the other end of the line. "Well the wait's over brown eyes, what's my surprise?" Kate asked expectingly, grinning at the thought of what it could be. There was a long pause and Kate nearly cracked the screen of her phone when she out two and two together. "You tricked ME!!" Kate growled over the phone nearly shifting into her were-jaguar form.

"Kate...I can understand your upset but I really needed some sleep okay" Scott said over the line. "Fine, but because I didn't get my reward there will be repercussions" she snarled and Scott immediately went to his contacts to tell them that Kate was on the loose and as ever unpredictable.

Scott was looking all around becon hills for the familiar blonde, he check his phone and saw that Malia, argent, nor sheriff Stilinski had any luck of finding her. He couldn't help but wonder if this was Kate's way of payback, he tricked her so in response she's tricking him into running around beacon hills under the false pretense that she's a does sound like something she would.

Then he got a text from his phone, it was from Kate. Apparently she had sent him a fully nude photo of herself in the mirror, causing him to blush redder then a tomato. Guess it was a game after all, now Scott has to find a way to explain the fact that Kate no longer poses a threat without revealing the fact that she sent him a nude.

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