Scott mccall x cora hale

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Scott didn't know why Cora came back. She just did. But their relationship is something he never expected. He was laying down on his mattress, covered in sweat. Just like the beautiful she wolf next to him. He liked doing this with Cora, spending night after night together. But they both wanted something more out of it. They just didn't know how to say it.

Cora was in love with Scott, and Scott was in love with Cora. Head over heels in fact. But despite they comfortability sleeping with each other and getting wild for what seemed like hours, they never really had the confidence to confess to each other. Which is why Allison, Lydia and stiles devised this genius plan to get them together.

"Okay, everyone know the plan?" Allison asked into the walkie-talkie. "Guys are we sure about this, I mean I'm pretty sure Derek would blow a fuse if he saw his little sister getting together with Scott!!" Stiles exclaimed loud enough to cause Allison to flinch a little. "Why are just now backing out of the plan Stiles?" Lydia asked, "yeah, it's he your boyfriend or something" Allison said focusing more on when Cora was leaving so they could enact their plan.

"Because that will make Derek mad! And when Derek gets mad, no hanky panky for Stiles, and Stiles needs his hanky panky!" He exclaimed causing Lydia and Allison to burst out in laughter. "S-stiles, what the hell!" Allison said collapsed on the ground still laughing. "TMI Stiles" Lydia said whipping a tear from her eye.

"I don't get it" Stiles said dumbly.

"Ok guys, Cora's leaving, Lydia you know what to do" Allison said. "On it!" Lydia exclaimed quietly as she made her way from her hideout to the front door of the McCall house. "Ok guys, Scott's asleep, now we just have to make sure the package Lydia dropped off doesn't get stolen". "For the record I still think this is kind of a bad idea" stiles said, "well did we ask you?" Lydia replied, "no" stiles said once again. "Then shut up!" Lydia growled into the walkie-talkie loud enough to send stiles collapsing to the floor.

After that night Scott woke up to the light from the sun coming through the window and hitting his face. It was warm, yet bright. He got up and started his morning routine, he brushed his teeth, took a shower and headed down for breakfast. After making a quick sandwich, he picked up an odd smell. Flowers...and chocolate?

He walked to the front door and opened it, there laid a small package. "Hey mom!" Scott called out, but no response. He picked up the box and set it on the table and opened it. Inside carried milk chocolate and roses. To my favorite alpha: Cora Hale was written on the card. Scott smiled to himself and realized the box also had a note in it. "Meet me outside the school at 5 o'clock " Scott read the note.

Meanwhile with Cora Hale, she received a text from Stiles that Scott wanted to talk to her. Alone. Suddenly she felt nervous, did she do something wrong. Or maybe he was going to break things off with her. God she hoped that wasn't the case. But she found herself getting ready, a couple slashes of makeup, a little wardrobe change and she was finally ready ready. She wore black eyeliner, with with a red sports top and really short jean shorts. Just on the off chance the he was going to break things off with her, she wanted to look her best so he would tempted to keep her around. Usually if she thought a guy was growing bored of her or wanted to break up with her then she would do it to them first. But Scott was different, he's a true alpha werewolf, and she was just an ordinary beta. She was most certainly not the strongest beta or the biggest, in fact the only thing special about her was her last name, Hale. But Scott was different. He's a true alpha werewolf, strong, compassionate, and he earned his alpha status without killing or taking it like her brother and uncle and so many others did. But he couldn't be breaking things off with her right?

"Where do you think your going?" Peter her uncle asked as she descended the stairs. "Scott wants to meet me at the school" She told him from his position at the one table in the middle of the loft with her brother Derek standing across from him. "And now why would that be?" Peter asked with snark. "I don't know" she said. Peter looked more annoyed, but Derek simply smiled. "Maybe he finally managed to ask you out" he said out of the blue surprising both Cora and Peter. "So your okay with your baby sister looking like this to impress a boy?" Peter said with a little disgust in his voice clearly not amused.

Derek simply shrugged and said "it's Scott, he's not going hurt her" causing Cora to smile.
"I've know about your relationship for a while, I'm glad you picked Scott" he said and with that Cora left to go meet her alpha.

Scott was waiting by the school, definitely a little nervous, well more then a little. As he waited he wondered if she wanted what he wanted, or if she finally got the courage to say it. When he saw her walking up to him, he lost all confidence. She was gorgeous, and a little revealing, which Scott wondered if that was intentional or not.
"Hey" she said but Scott was at a lost for words "h-hey" he said awkwardly causing Cora to giggle.
"So you wanted to meet?" She asked causing Scott to look confused. "I thought you wanted to meet?" He said and now it was her turn to look confused. "You know, with the box of chocolates and roses. The note" he continued but stopped himself when he realized who might have actually been responsible for this, and Cora had that same realization on her face. "I am seriously going to have to talk to them about this" he said causing Cora to laugh.

"But now that I think about it, this would be the perfect time to ask you. Since we're both alone" he said and Cora wondered what he was going to say next. "Yeah?" She asked for him to continue. "Um, maybe you wanted to hangout a movie, or dinner?" He said causing her facial features to beam "Yeah! Um, yeah. I'd like that" she said causing him to smile. "Okay awesome! When are you available?" He asked. "Tomorrow since it's a weekend" she said. "Okay, it's date...unless you don't want it to be! That would be ok"- Cora cut him short by kissing him on the lips.
"It's a date" she clarified still smiling. "Okay then" he said.

A little ways away Allison, stiles, and Lydia were hidden and had watched the whole thing smiling at the end, knowing their plan had worked.

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