Scott McCall x Hayley marshall part one

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Hayley needed a vacation, badly. Turns out hanging out with an original family of vampires is exhausting, so when there was a moment of peace in New Orleans she left. Ironically Klaus was actually the one who suggested it, he practically insisted as tensions were high between her and Elijah, their arguments were beginning to affect the whole family.
So when Klaus suggested a trip to California, and agreed to pay for everything, Hayley was thrilled.

Elijah and her agreed to separate and see other people for a while, but truth is she wasn't sure if a while would be temporary, or permanent. Things have gotten pretty bad between them. It just wasn't the same anymore.

Which is why Hayley stopped at a small town to take a break from driving, she got a motel for the night and settled down. The next morning she continued driving until she reached beacon hills, a quiet mysterious town with a lot of unexplained "accidents" that happened every so often. Hayley knew she needed to get some blood bags soon, she is a hybrid after all, so she stopped at beacon memorial hospital to stock up.

After compelling a few people she managed to get into the storage room and take some blood bags and put it in a duffel bag she brought with her.

After she got what she assumed to be a good amount, she made her way to the elevator. She pressed the button and patiently wait for the elevator shaft.
While she was waiting, another person stood next to her and appeared to be waiting for the elevator as well. He was a handsome young man with dark hair, stunning brown eyes, and an uneven jawline. "Going down?" He asked as he noticed her looking at him.
"Yeah" she said giving a small smile to which he returned. "You?" She asked. "I'm also going down" he said looking to the floor. The elevator finally arrived and he very chivalrously let her go first.

There was some uncomfortable silence but he broke the air first. "I'm Scott" he said holding out his hand to shake. "Hayley" she said taking it. She didn't know why but there was something about him that she found moderately attractive. "So what brings you here?" He asked, "I'm picking something up" she said obviously not revealing more then that. "Ah, cool" he replied and after some awkward silence the elevator came to a stop, "well see ya" he said and stepped off, Hayley also got off the elevator and made her way to the exit. She got in her car and smiled to herself, she drove off and got herself a residence at another motel.

Scott didn't know why, but he couldn't get the woman that he met at the hospital out of his head. Hayley was a beautiful name, and it suited her well. Scott decided to turn in for the night and went to sleep.

The next morning he went to school and was hanging out at lunch with his friends, his pack, with Hayley still on his mind. Stiles, Malia, Liam, and Mason were talking while Lydia was helping Corey with some homework. "It could be nothing" Malia stated. "Since when is a murder in this town nothing, Malia!?" Stiles exclaimed. "There is a dead body that had been completely dried of blood with some very suspicious looking fang marks on the neck!" He continued and Malia just shook her head. "Still doesn't mean it's a vampire" Liam said and Mason turned to look at him. "I mean, he does have a point" Mason stated. "That what there's a vampire roaming around beacon hills" Lydia chimed in.
"N-no, but let's see what Scott has to say" Mason said.

Everyone turned to look at Scott, who was not paying attention to the conversation what so ever. "Alright who is it?" Stiles questioned and everyone looked at him confused. "Who is what?" He asked. "You have that look Scott, you know the one where your crushing on somebody. The same look you got when you were thinking about Allison, Kira, am I ringing any bells here" stiles stated. "Oh my gosh, I can totally see it" Lydia said clearly teasing the alpha.

"I not hung up on someone" he said. "Scott, did I ever tell you your a lovable idiot?" Stiles commented causing Malia to snicker.

Meanwhile late last night Hayley had a dream, not a bad dream, maybe not a good one either. She dreamt about the boy she met in the elevator. He was handsome, very handsome. But something had disturbed her about these dreams, werewolves of her species only had these kind dreams when they had met they're soul mate for the first time, but it only worked if they both were werewolves. Which begs the question, was beacon hills as quite as it seemed?

She couldn't get him out of her head, they can't be soul mates, he's so young. But DAMN was he packing muscles.
She knew she had to confront him, see if he had these dreams too. Which is why she decided she was going back to the hospital for a quick visit. But first she had to shift in the woods real quick.

She was running though the forest with the trees becoming blurs as she shot through them in her wolf form.
Once she was satisfied she quickly shifted back to human and put her clothes which were folded neatly behind a tree and walked the trails. She still couldn't get him off her mind, then it was official, she was going back to beacon memorial.

Scott McCall one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now