Scott mccall x dark hope mikaelson

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Scott rammed into the wall of mountain ash, then he did so again, and again. He hated how weak he felt, but he had to keep moving. It was getting late and he was getting tired. Liam would be here any second ready to enact Theo's plan to get more powerful, to become an alpha.

Liam was his friend, and since tonights the super moon, the beta were is going to be out of his mind with rage and power. It wasn't his fault, he still didn't have great control over his shift. Scott remembered what that was like, it wasn't fun to say the least. But as for Theo, he had be lying to the pack the whole time. He wanted power, to become an alpha. So he took advantage of Liam during his hardest full moon yet, by using his dying girlfriend Hayden as a bargaining tool. Long story.

Either way, Liam is the beta of a true alpha and Scott was that alpha, the one who bit him. Only Liam could kill Scott and take his status. That was the golden rule of werewolves like them. Kill an alpha, become an alpha, kill a true alpha on the other hand, unless your the beta of a true alpha then you won't become an alpha even if you kill one.

Liam, however was the beta of a true alpha, the only alpha in beacon hills, Scott McCall, who was currently trying to break through a mountain ash barrier while Theo tears apart the rest of his pack away from him.
And because killing is off the table, Scott has to try to save his friend. Whatever the cost.
He rammed into it again only to be knocked on his back.
"Ya know the more you do that, the funnier it gets" a feminine voice came from out side the barrier of mountain ash.

Scott turned his head to face a feminine voice behind the wall, "who are you?" He asked. "Oh nobody, just the most powerful supernatural being in existence" she replied. Scott stood up to face her and realized she was quite shorter than him.

"Somehow I doubt that" he smirked wholeheartedly. "Your mistake then, by the way. How did you even get in here?" She asked, kinda curious, but mainly because she has nothing better to do. Scott then told her about everything that's be happening, with the dead doctors, and Theo, and his genius plan to kill Scott and take his power. Soon enough she laughed. "That was a dumb mistake, good thing I don't have friends then" she chuckled.

"Wow, that...sounds kinda sad" Scott said taking in the young woman's features. She had dark brunette hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. In those eyes he could see regret flash through them, but in an instant it was gone. "What's your name?" He asked. "Hope" she said "Hope Mikaelson".

"I'm Scott McCall" he said. "Hey can you help me out of here?" Scott asked hopeful. Hope just snickered, "sorry, I don't have time to help out. While this has been fun, it's gotten boring. Later wolf boy" she said smirking.

"Hey!" Scott yelled, banging against the mountain ash wall but to no avail.

Later Scott took out his inhaler only for him to get angry when he found out it was empty and crushed it in his fist.
But Scott made an important discovery, when he crushed the inhaler, he found traces of mountain ash evaporating in the air. Theo.

Theo did it, he poisoned his inhaler to make him weaker so that Liam could kill him. Damn it, and like a fool he fell right for it. But before he could get enraged farther, Liam appeared behind him, and he looked pissed.

Back with Hope, she walked the streets of beacon hills enjoying herself. She looked forward to tearing this town apart. But she started to get a strange feeling, and her mind immediately went back to Scott. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Somehow she knew what this was, Scott was her soul mate. But how. Doesn't matter, because right now she could somehow sense he was in life threatening danger and before she could force herself to turn away and just keep walking, she was compelled to head towards Scott. So she hurried like her life depended on it.

When Hope arrived she saw Scott fighting another werewolf, but they looked different, more human, and they definitely were more powerful and had more control over their form as wolves.

Hope assumed that from what Scott had told her that the person he was fighting was his own pack mate Liam. What made them fighting all the more personal. But she noticed that Scott wasn't trying to hurt his beta, in fact he wasn't even punching him! He was restraining him in order to calm him down. Noble.

She tried breaking through the barrier of mountain ash, but found that even she couldn't tear it down. She tried magic but even that wouldn't work, How! She was the tribrid damnit.

She then saw jump Scott to the top of the stair case in the library they were fighting in. He looked down and saw her. "Scott!" Hope yelled. Scott smiled to himself as if he just had the same realization she did about him being her soul mate and the other way around. "I'm sorry Liam, but I can't let you kill me" scott said and then he turned around and embraced the super moon's power, fully shifting to his true form.

Witnessing Scott in his wolf form made Hope tingle in her nether regions. But now was hardy the time!
Scott fought Liam again but still held back. He threw a punch every now and then but still didn't go all out like he could have.

Hope then had to witness scott get torn up by Liam, his so called friend and was helpless to do anything about it.
Just then she heard someone coming, so she used her magic to cloak herself.

An African American male, no more then sixteen crossed through the barrier, he must have been human.

"Liam!!" he shouted. "What are you doing!?" Liam looked at the carnage around him, his wounded friend, and the blood on his hands. "It's Hayden, she's dead" the boy said. Liam rushed off after hearing that.

"Ung...Mason" Scott said to the young man, whose name must have been Mason.
"It's alright Scott. I got you" he said. Hope with tears in her eyes, decided to use her magic to take her elsewhere. In an instant she was gone.

"I guess I have to do everything myself!" Theo said stomping up to Scott. "Theo wait!" Scott grumbled but he didn't listen. He charged at Scott, jamming his claws in Scott's torso and then ripped them out of his body, leaving Scott in an even worse condition then before.

He then stormed off leaving Mason to tend to a barely breathing Scott, Mason obviously no knowing what to do called his mom. After reviving Scott, they took him back to the McCall house. Where a certain someone was waiting for him.

Scott laid on his bed. Thinking about what his mom had said to him. "You'll get through this Scott, you always do",
"Your friends need a leader, so lead them" she said, her voice echoing inside his mind.
"Your mom's right you know" he heard a familiar voice say. Hope appeared in his room.
"You'll get through this, your strong" she said soothingly, even with no humanity she would always comfort her mate.

"How do you know that, you don't know me" Scott said defeated, tears welling up. She wanted to kill Liam for doin this to him, and Theo for orchestrating this whole thing, and she would in time. Right now her mate needs her.
"Because we're mates, soul mates actually. I know you can sense it, I can too. Your strong Scott, I can tell" she said giving a small smile, reassuring Scott that everything was ok.

She the noticed something she hadn't before. A mark on Scott's gorse that's been bandaged up. "Where did you get that?" She asked. "After you left, Theo tried to kill me, unsuccessfully" Scott groaned, he stomach still hurting from being impaled.

"AAAARRRRRHHHH!!!" Hope screamed and punched a massive hole in the wall. "I'm going to FUCKING kill them!!!"
She yelled, "Hey!" Scott said, "my mom doesn't have money to fix anymore damage to the house" he said and Hope immediately felt guilty. "I-I'm sorry, I'll fix it. I promise" she said.

Scott smiled, "I can tell your a good person Hope. Do you want to lay with me?" He asked and Hope practically jumped into bed with him.

She snuggled into his side and scott put his arm around her. Both of them felt more relaxed then they ever have before, they could tell that this was going to be the start of something great.

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