Scott mccall x sydney

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Sydney didn't know when she started to fall for him, that's a lie, she knew exactly when. Scott McCall was captain of the local lacrosse team, and the most popular kid in school...with a history of ditching class. He seemed like a nice guy at least, but who was she to judge.

But ever since that bear attack during the charity game, she started to see him in a different light. After the attack, several of the bystanders sitting on the bench who were enjoying the game were forced to huddle in the library just to stay alive. Hiding behind rows of dusty books.
And that thing, that monster that everyone was calling a bear, would have found them...had Scott not saved them.
He told them to run upstairs to a better hiding spot, although it's not like he had to ask twice, and while they hid behind
bookshelves on the second story, Scott bravely bought them some time distracting the creature as long as he possibly could.

He got knocked around, slammed into bookshelves and tables, was bleeding head to toe, yet he still kept getting up. And just when she thought that everything was done for, his friends came to rescue and chased that beast off.

The very fact that Scott was willing to risk his life for people he hardly knew told her everything she needed to know about him, and with that in mind she developed a crush...a massive one.

Then one fateful day she got partnered with him during a project. To say she was a little giddy was an understatement.
The two were partnered in biology and their task, to surgically remove the organs of a dead toad, well, dead bullfrog actually.

To be fair Sydney would have found it disgusting, had the light from the widow they were sitting next two not hit Scott  with it's shinning rays and made him appear as an angel, well to her at least. For most of the project she just stared at him, studying his features, and not minding the grossed out look he made when dissecting the large Amphibian. To be honest, she didn't at all blame him. She would have made the exact same features, if was participating that was.

Something the teacher in her infinite wisdom, and very wide gaze caught out of the corner of her eye.

"Sydney!" She yelled, "if you wish to make google eyes at every boy you meet, do it on your own time" she stated and Sydney never felt so embarrassed before. Some of the kid behind snickered at her, but Scott didn't seem to mind.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I can't tell you how many times she embarrassed me when I first started this class" Scott said softly making Sydney feel warm inside. "Hey do you want to study later?" he asked and Sydney felt her heart leap. "S-sure" she stammered mentally cringing at her awkwardness. "So my place?" He said and she just nodded.

Later that day, stiles, Lydia and Malia were in the library about to study for their test. "What do you mean he canceled?!" Stiles exclaimed. "He texted saying he can't come over. Someone's helping him study" Lydia said. "Who?!!" Stiles once again exclaimed. "A new friend of his named Sydney, whoever she is" Lydia answered.

Meanwhile at the McCall house, a night of harmless studying turned kinky as Sydney and Scott made out on his bed.
"Your the first boy I've ever made out with" she said smiling, over the moon at the fact her long time crush is making out with her. "Somehow I doubt that. Your a really good kisser" he said making her blush. Sydney's hands started making their way down Scott's pants when he stopped her, "let's take it slow for now" he whispered and Sydney nodded in agreement. "Yeah we should probably finish studying" she said and Scott just nodded. "Would you made wanna, go somewhere, like on a date?" Scott asked and for a moment sydney's brain stopped working. "Yes!! I mean, yes" she said excitedly which Scott found cute. "Okay then, text me whenever your free" he said and with that Sydney had found her new boyfriend.

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