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Hallooo, Author-nim has updated! I hate myself for not updating fast but seriously, I only write when I'm on the mood, plus Homeworks are taking up my time T____T

A lazy writer produces lazy readers, I know my readers are decreasing T_____T but thank you still to the ones who still waited, you give me energy to write with your comments :D
Please keep up with this lazy author-nim, I LOVE YOU 사랑해요!

Chapter 53

Yanni's POV

Secretly opening a chocolate candy, you mumbled, "I really need chocolate. My head is aching. Oh why do I have to memorize these dates. This is so tiresome..." and blah blah blah. You were at the school library doing your homework and studying for your upcoming exams. You don't why you can't see any of your classmates in here though.
* /sighs/ They don't even try*

You cautiously ate the candy making sure no one would notice. Eating was not allowed in the library at all. *Okay, focus now Yanni focus!* You tried to direct your attention to your History book, but something else kept bothering you too.

*That dream was weird though. . .*

Your last night's dream left you restless. You can't help but think about it all day. " Oh I hate dreams like these..." You uttered while flipping to the next page.

You sighed, "Should I do this at home or should I fini..." You trailed off because you felt someone observing you. You secretly looked around, and spotted a pair of owl like eyes.


"K-Kyungsoo?" You whispered.

"Hey~" He came out from underneath the table.

*Wait...this seems familiar* You were having...a dejavu!

*This is what happened to my dream! Kyungsoo in the library coming out from underneath the table!*

You gasped, "Could it really be?" You whispered to yourself.

Kyungsoo sat next to you and grabbed a German book about Aids.

*OMO! It's really happening! Ottokke!*

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, scanning the pages of book.

"I'm studying for the upcoming exams. How about you?" You asked him in return. You were surprised one of your classmates is here.

"Just missing you." Kyungsoo casually said. He opened the random book he was holding.

*M-Missing me?* Your heart skipped a beat. *Did I hear that right?*

"Why the hell is this German book even here? I don't even know German! I think no one in this school does." Kyungsoo mumbled and threw away the book. You just gawked at him.

He smiled at you, "Kaja!" he said and held your hand.

Kyungsoo lead you around the library as you two made fun of the busy students. You waved your hands at their faces but they didn't seem to care. *Weird...* But you remembered your dream and decided to continue what your doing. *Like in my dream, no one would even get mad anyways*

Just when you two were having the time of your lives someone shouted, "YAH! BOTH OF YOU BETTER BEHAVE OR GET YOUR ASS OUTTA HERE!" The school librarian that was red with anger shouted at the both you. You froze. *But the dream...there was no one getting angry...*

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