Chapter one

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         Sobs shook the young girl as she was just beaten by her "mother". All she could think was why? what did I do to earn such torture? Wiping tears from her (e/c) eyes, she shivered from the cold draft, seeping through the open windows. Standing up weakly, she stumbled to the open window and tried to close it, but it was to far up.
       Whimpering from pain, betrayal, and being so cold, the young girl curled up in a corner trying to keep warm, and fell asleep.
*Timeskip to next morning*
Wake up you little brat! Roared the voice of her mother. Weakly, she stood to her feet, her (e/c) eyes holding fear in them. Go make breakfast now! Be lucky I don't hit you right now! She bellowed, with rage seething in her (e/c) eyes. Whimpering quietly, the young girl of age 7, scurried off to the kitchen.
*(y/n) POV*
I quietly sighed as I began to make breakfast, glad to have not been hit not to long ago. Bringing the plates to the dining room where my "family" sat, I placed their food in front of them. They ate slowly, as if to torture me by eating food in front of me, since I hadn't ate since umm, two weeks ago? "You may make yourself one waffle and that is it accompanied by a plastic cup of water, do you hear me? Boomed the voice of my mother her (h/c) hair swayed as she spun her head to look at me, with cold (e/c) eyes. "Yes mother, thank you." After I said that, I scurried off to the kitchen. Getting a plate, I quickly walked to my room, the basement, where I ate in silence. As soon as I finished I heard a loud, shrill scream accompanied by loud footsteps coming towards the basement....

And cliffhanger! Hope you like the story so far, comment if you do and well, cya!

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