1.Tag-Team No More

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Y/n's POV
Monday June 20,2022
Today was the day I was going to show my transformation to everyone but some people know about it

I don't know how it will go but I guess I will just go on with it and see where that takes me.

It is only 11:30 am and I'm just getting ready to go to gym with my closest friend Lexi aka Alexa Bliss,even though I think I have a match today I will still enjoy some of the day with her because we have been good friends with her ever since our Tag-Team Days.

I was going to meet up with Her but she insisted to come to my hotel room and then we take the same car to the gym

We didn't get the same hotel which kind of sucked but it was ok I guess

I was doing my hair when my phone started to ring and I didn't get to see who was calling but I answered it anyways

"Hey Good morning"

After they said that I knew exactly who it was

Fergal aka Finn Balor called me for some reason,I don't know why but it is probably about later night

"Oh hey good morning finn what's up"I say as I put my phone on speaker and put it on the counter by the sink in the bathroom

"Y/n does Demi or Luis know how the transformation will go"

"Oh only Demi because she is going to help me about it beforehand"

"Ok good to hear but what about your outfit and everything else"I hear him say with a chuckle

"I really don't know about that but I guess I find something that will look good with the Judgment days colors"i said as i chuckle

After i said that I heard a knock on my hotel room door and it was probably Lexi

"Hey Finn i got to go I will see you later ok bye"

"Ok y/n bye" he said then hangs up

I put my phone in my back pocket and open the hotel room door

"Hey girl good morning I your love the leggings"she said as she give me a hug and I hug back

"Hey good morning we should definitely get matching leggingsI"I say as we let go of the hug

"Yea we should that would be so cute"

"But anyways I think we should get going so you can be on time for us to get back to our rooms"

"Yeah definitely let's go"I say as I get my bag and I close my door and we walk to the elevator


I was sitting on my bed looking on my phone when i looked at the time and it was 5:30 pm and I had to get ready

I got up and went to find a outfit i was going to wear to the arena and a outfit after

I found a Outfit but I didn't put on makeup and I just left my hair down because i was going to be kind of late

I found a Outfit but I didn't put on makeup and I just left my hair down because i was going to be kind of late

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