8."What did they do this time"

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Y/n's POV
July 29 2022 10:25 am
I was in my hotel room that I was sharing with Demi and we were just getting ready for the day

Luis and Fergal were next door to us so if we needed anything we could ask them

Demi and I put on are outfits and did are makeup

"Hey is It weird that I'm going to be with you and the guys tomorrow"I ask Demi

"No not really why"

"Well because it is going to be my first Pay per view with you guys"

"Everything will be ok and the good thing is that we get to watch"Demi said with a chuckle

"I mean I guess you do have a point there"I said with smile

(Demi's Outfit is on the right and Y/n's Outfit is on the left)

(Demi's Outfit is on the right and Y/n's Outfit is on the left)

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We were on our phones when we heard a knock at the door

"I will get it"I said as I got up,put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the door

I opened the door to see the person I never want to see especially if I see them tomorrow,Rey Mysterio

Dominik was with him but still beat up from yesterday and there was a camera behind them both

I haven't talked to Dominik since what happened in the lobby yesterday and I think he hates me now

"What the hell do you want"I said as my hand was on the side of the door

"I think you know why I'm here Raven"Rey said pisst off

"What exactly"I said confused

"About you did to Dominik and what the others did"


"Anyways,RHEA HOW MUCH DAMAGE DID THE GUYS DO TO DOMINIK"I said as she gets up and walks over to us

"Oh yeah I forgot about that,I don't know probably a lot if I recall"

July 28 2022 9:24 am
We got to the hotel and saw Fergal in the lobby,he looked like he was waiting for us

"So we will share a room and the guys share one"Demi said

"Ok sounds great by the way I'm going to take a nap when I get in the room"

"Same"Demi said with a smirk

I was confused why she smirked but then I saw Dominik checking in to the hotel

"HEY FINN COME HERE"Rhea said then I realized she called him so some shit is going to happen

I saw Dominik look over his shoulder and he looked like he was going to break down right there

Love Is Trust To You And Me-Dominik MysterioWhere stories live. Discover now