2.Dinner Disasters

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Y/n's POV
I was in my car and I headed to the gas station while Demi texted me the address to the restaurant

I got to the gas station and I got out of my car

As I got the gas pump and put it in the gas tank for my car when all of a sudden a familiar car pulled up behind me

I don't know why it looked familiar but it just did

I got my phone out and looked on my Twitter because I kept on getting notifications

I was looking on twitter then I heard foot steps coming closer to me and someone snatch my phone out of my hand

"Hey what the fuck man"I said as I put the pump back and closed my tank

"Chill out y/n it is just me"

I didnt look at his eyes because I knew it was my Ex Zach

Ever since we broke up he kept on stalking me because he wants me back but I keep on rejecting him because of what he did

"Just give me my phone bitch"I said as he hold the phone up so I wouldn't reach

I punched him in the gut and he fell down holding his stomach and I got my phone and put it in my pocket

I walked back a few step to my car then he got my ankle and pulled me down

I heard another car pull up and the car doors slammed

Zach started to hit me and then someone stoped him

"Hey man why the fuck are you hitting her"I was relieved that Rey and Dom came and helped me

Rey picked up Zach and started talking to him

I was still on the ground but Dominik helped me back up

"Hey are you ok y/n"he said as he looked on me

"I think I'm fine Dom it is just my lip"I said as Dominik pulled me in a hug

I hugged back and thanked him and Rey

I don't know what happened to Zach but I was glad he was gone

I got in my car and i rolled down my window because of Dominik standing there

"Hey Y/n i Really dont want you out alone after this"he said and I gave him a shock but confused look

"Dom I will be Fine i will met you and your father at the restaurant bye"

"Ok bye y/n be safe"he said as he walked off to his car

I pulled up my window and drove to the restaurant


Demi found a Steak House close by the hotel

I got to the restaurant safe and I walked to the entrance seeing everyone but Dominik and Rey

"Hey Y/n there is 6 of us right?"Demi asked me

"Oh yeah I think so"

"By the way do you know where is oscar And Dom"

"They should be here in about a couple of minutes or so"

After I said that they both came up to the group

"Oh there you guys are"Finn said as he chuckles

"Yeah sorry we are kind of late i realized my car needed gas"Dominik said as he looked at me

That's how they found me at the gas station getting beaten up by you know who

Everyone was in nice but comfortable outfits which I liked

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