10.Trainers Room

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Y/n's POV
In the Trainers Rooms
10 minutes later

Bob opens the door and I see Mr H with my friends

"You guys can come on in" he says as everyone came inside and Bob closed the door

"So how bad is the injury"Mr H asked Bob

"Well it is a stable fracture so it can heel with out surgery"

I was so glad I didnt need to get surgery

"Ok so this is one of the firsts females to have a stable fracture and it usually takes about
1 to 2 months to heel on it's own with males"Mr H says and I was in shock

"Yes so on y/n here it will take a month or so to heel"

"But I was supposed to have a match with Demi for the tag team championships"

"Well I'm afraid that we are going to have to postpone on that match until your cleared"

I was so pisst off,me and Demi have been wanting for a chance for those forever

"Ok Im ok with it I just y/n to be clear"Demi says as she walks to me and puts her arm around me

"could you come to my office the week before clash at the castle"Mr H asked me

"Yes sir I will just call a Uber because these guys won't be here"I said as I look at my friends

"Don't mean to interrupt but I need to put y/n in a knee brace"

"Yes sorry go ahead do what you need to do"

Bob took off my shoe and sock,then put the brace on my right knee

"Miss y/n you can't take off the brace until your cleared"bob said as I nodded

I was upset that I could wrestle for almost a month but better safe then sorry

Word count

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