4.New Member Photo Shoot On A Friday

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Y/n's POV
It has been a couple of weeks since I joined the judgement Day and they wanted to do a new photo shoot with me there newest member

The photo shoot Is today and I need nothing to go wrong today

Finns match against Drew was amazing to see I had to interfere a couple of times but I'm glad he won it or should I say we won it

I just got out of bed and Demi stayed the night at my apartment because we needed to talk about stuff for later on

I changed into something casual and did my hair but not my make up

I went to get my phone from the living room and Demi was still asleep on my couch

Both of my cats were on the couch with Demi and my dog was still sleeping on my bed

I went to my kitchen and made acai bowls for me and Demi

While I was making our breakfast Demi woke up

"Hey good morning i made breakfast"i said as she walked to the kitchen island

"Good morning thanks for breakfast"she said as we sat down by my island

"So what time do we have to be there for the photo shoot"

"I think around 11:30 i actually forgot"She said as we started to laugh together

She got on her phone and took a picture and posted it on her Instagram story

She got on her phone and took a picture and posted it on her Instagram story

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We finished up eating breakfast and Demi went to get ready

While she was getting ready i got my backpack and put outfits in there for the photo shoot

I put my bag on my couch and got on my phone and waited for Demi to be ready

"Ok so you have everything because i have to head to SmackDown with Fergal"

"Yeah I think so if I think I left something her I will text you"

"Ok then let's get going"i said as we left my apartment


We arrived to the place for the photo shoot

I saw Fergal's car so I parked next to his car

We got out of my car but when I got out I was trying to look for Luis's car but it was no were to be found

We walked into the building and Demi had to talk to the receptionist Lady

"Hello ladies how may i help you"the lady said

"Yes do you know where room 243 is at"Demi asked

"Yes that is on the 3 floor to your right"

"Ok thank you"Demi said then I followed her to the room

We went into the elevator and made are way to the room

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