15.This Was My Decision Not Yours

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Y/n's POV
September 19 2022
I'm so not ready for Raw tonight

Tonight is the night I tell everyone why me and Bianca's match is still not official

Most people probably think it's going to happen at the next PPV/PLE but it's not

I know the reason and so does HHH no one else

I feel bad I didn't tell my friends and boyfriend why first but they would have tried to change my mind

Tonight we will talk about what we did to Edge last week

Also Finn and Damian have a match against Rey and Matt riddle

Everyone was already at the Arena and I was running late because Shawn Michaels called me

It was about a pick your poison match on NXT and that I will go up against Thea Hail

There has been some things going on between Thea Hail and Lyra Valkyria so that's why I'm going up against Thea

He also said that Rhea got picked for a pick your poison match against Roxanne Perez and that I have to tell her

I'm actually excited to go back to NXT because that's where I met Rhea

I got out of my car and got my bags and started to jog to my locker room cause raw starts in 45 minutes

I made it to my locker room but when I opened it everyone was there

"What the fuck are y'all doing in here"I asked surprised

"Oh hey y/n we thought you where here"Finn said as he was sitting on the couch with Damian

"Ok well I need to hurry up and get ready so get out"I said as Finn,Damian,and Dominik got up and walked to the door

"Wait why does she get to stay"Dominik said pointing at Rhea

"Because I need to talk to her I will be out in a little bit"I said as they all left

"So you need to talk to me"Rhea said as she got up and walked to the couch and sat down

"Yeah but Let me get changed first"I said as she nodded and went on her phone

(Y/n's Outfit)

(Y/n's Outfit)

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