18.Weird Turn Of Events

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Y/n's POV
September 26 2022
Finally got back from Houston TX and back at work,I actually liked Houston.Damian has a match tonight against Matt Riddle and we plan to attack Matt after the match.I have a backstage interview later in the night and hopefully I can say what I have been wanting to say.HHH has said to Finn that he was going to get his match at Extreme Rules but we have no idea who he will go against.Finn has been wanting a Extreme Rules match Since he lost last year against Roman for his title.I have been on my phone for a while trying to get a hold of my mother because my brother said that there's something mom's hiding from the both of us but he doesn't know what tho.

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Hey can I come in",I hear Dominik on the other side of the door."Yeah come on in",I say as Dom comes in as he closes the door behind him and comes sit next to me on the couch."So have you got in touch with your mother yet?",Dom asked as I shook my head as Dominik moved myself on to his chest.Dominik was just trying to make me feel better and I was thankful for him."It's going to be ok,after all of those texts and calls she will definitely answer back sooner than later.",He says as my phone starts ringing,i look at it and upset because It's Rhea.


Y/N:Damn so fucking loud.
Y/N:Is Finn with you right now?
Y/N:ok just chill,let me get up so me and Dominik can come and help y'all.
Y/N:Goddamnit Rhea,We will try and find him,if we do I will call you or Finn.


"Looks like we need to go find Damian.",I said as I got up from the couch."What even happened?",Dominik asked me as we left the room."I don't know,Rhea call me all freaking out and she said that Edge got here an hour ago sooo." "Well shit we need to find him then,LETS GOO.",Dominik said and started to run around to look EVERYWHERE."WATCH WHERE YOUR ARE GO-",I bumped into someone and I looked up from my phone to see Edge and a camera behind him."Oh well look who it is,you found me before I found you.",Edge says as I step back and back and back.Edge Ran to me and speared me into the merch wall and I screamed so loud that he ran away before anyone knew it was him.


Dominik's POV
"There both in medical.",I said to Rhea and Finn as they walk up to me with a camera man behind them."So did you find them or did you just hear all the noise and found them.",Rhea says as she gives me her little glare."I heard her scream and ran to where I heard it From and saw people help her up to come here." "What about Damian where did you find him.",Finn asked me with a concern look on his face."While they were taking Raven to medical,I saw Damian with people and they were by the men's locker room and they were taking him to medical.",I said as a medical staff member came from inside to us.

"Hello I'm Nate a new staff member for the medical team,So Raven got a Bursitis in her left knee and will be out for about 3 months to 5 months or possibly a life time.",he says as we all look at each other."You're saying that she would have to retire.",Rhea asked."If she isn't better by 5 months or earlier then she would have a year and if she's not better within a year then she would have to retire." "That doesn't make any of this better.",I say with a mean tone."Nate,How's Damian doing.",Finn asked a little worried.

"Damian's better than Raven,he only got a couple of chair shots and got hold into an ankle lock",Nate says as Rhea looks at him with a glare."Get to the point mate." "Damian is sore and has a couple of bruises on his back and with the ankle lock he has a sprained ankle and will be out for about 3 weeks to 1 months,That means he's match is canceled for tonight." "That's definitely not as bad as Ravens injury.",Rhea said and then it hit me,I knew what I had to do to help Y/n and so I can spend LOTS of more time with her."I need to go talk to Triple H.",I said as I ran to his office and hopefully he gives me the answer that I want.

3rd Person POV
While Dominik went to Hunters office,Rhea and Finn had an idea that would be great for them 2 but not so sure about the others."We should have talked to the others first.",Finn said.Finn knew that if they did this then it could affect the group because what if he got injured then it would just be Dom and Rhea."It's going to be Alright,we need to do this especially after what he did.",Rhea says as they get to the gorilla and Finn grabs a mic.Their entrance hit and they went out there alone.They both thought it was weird with only seeing each other and everyone else doing their own things.

They are in the ring but everyone is silent,the crowd,the announce table,and even within them selfs.Finn was just going to speak because it was out of the ordinary for it to be this quiet in the arena."As y'all all know half of our family is gone and it's all because of one man in particular which everyone knows,and should hate,Edge.",Finn says as Rhea jumps out of the ring a Edge attacks Finn.Rhea heard foot steps behind her and it was Beth.A whole brawl started to happen by the ring but luckily refs and officials started to break there fights.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK IT SHOULD BE EDGE VS FINN BALOR IN A I QUIT MATCH AT EXTREME RULES AND I HOPE I CAN HURT YOU MORE THEN YOU HURT MY FAMILY.",Finn says as he throws the mic at Edge but he couldn't hurt Finn because of the refs and officials.Rhea and Finn were the first ones to get backstage first and they started cheering."We did it,we can't hurt him and possibly break him to the point that he retires.",Rhea said happily which was normal to Finn.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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