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Third POV

It was finally time. Katsuki and Hitoshi slept over at the Yamazawa house the night before the exams because they were all nervous about what would happen; even Katsuki, though he wouldn't admit it. Both the general and recommendation exams had written portions that would take place at noon; but, following that, the general examines would board a bus and go to an off-location arena. The recommendation students would stay on campus and take their practicals in one of the gyms. 

However, before they could start the exam, they had to go through an entrance exam orientation in the UA auditorium. The orientation was at 11 and since Hizashi was the main speaker, they all had to leave a bit earlier than most. So here the four 15-year-olds were eating fruit and oatmeal at 8:30 while Shouta tried calming down his husband, who was rushing around the house making sure they weren't forgetting anything. 

By 9 o'clock the six of them were piled into the car and Shouta was sleeping in the passenger seat while Hizashi drove to UA. The pros dropped the teens off in front of UA where a few potential students had already shown up. They said their goodbyes, kissing the nekos on their head and wishing them all good luck. The four boys already knew the campus like the backs of their hands so it was easier for them to find the auditorium after checking in. 

Since there weren't many students in the auditorium yet, they had many options of where to sit to choose from. Walking to the far back, the four got seats in an empty row, 4 rows from the back. The stage was still visible from their seat and they knew Hizashi would be loud so they didn't have to worry about anything. It was also out of the way so they wouldn't be disturbing many other students, which eased the neko's anxiety.

Once they were all seated, Shoto grabbed Izuku's hand which had been clenching and unclenching his pants while his legs bounced nervously. "Hey?" The green neko looked up at the younger boy, "We still have a little while till everything starts, you want to go back to sleep to calm your nerves?" Izuku thought about it for a second, he was still tired and a nap sounded great for his nerves. Green hair swished as the boy nodded and lifted the armrest to snuggle closer to the other neko and in only 5 minutes, he was out like a light.

While the neko napped, the others chatted and theorized about what would be on the exams. Hitoshi and Izuku were already told that for their exam they would be fighting pros but neither were told which ones. Shoto and Katsuki, on the other hand, were not allowed to know anything about what their practical would entail, since it was for the public, and neither Shouta nor Hizashi were allowed to give them hints. While they were chatting, they quietly observed other potential students who had shown up for the exam.

Katsuki was glaring at a couple of teens who had sat not far from them and were being a bit too loud for Katsuki's liking. The girl was all pink and appeared to have horns sticking out of her head, which intrigued Shoto since he had his neko ears. The other student, the boy, was sharp. Everything about him, from his hair to his teeth, his skin texture was even sharp. Hitoshi joked that the boy's form looked like that of the human figure they cut out of paper. Katsuki just complained that they were both loud idiots as the boy started exclaiming how "manly" the exam and everyone present was. 

5 minutes before the orientation was supposed to start, Shoto shook the neko on his shoulder to wake him up. Izuku let out a little yawn, showing off his pointed canines, and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He smiled at the other, seemingly much more lethargic and relaxed than before. "Papa is about to start soon," Shoto whispered. Izuku just nodded and dug through his bag and pulled out his headphones. Since the boys had begun going out more and getting more involved with crowds, Shouta and Hizashi bought the neko a pair of headphones after realizing that the neko had a higher sensitivity to noise than they had originally suspected. The headphones were made by Power Loader and were made to be somewhat noise-canceling, still allowing the user to hear, only at a quieter noise level.

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