Hero Circle

316 10 18

Third POV

A few days after Nezu indirectly declared war on All Might and the HPSC, he called for a meeting among the main teachers of UA, Tensei, Endeavor, and Tsukauchi. He had already talked to Yamada and Aizawa about the meeting and got their permission to inform them about the problems between the nekos, All Might, and HPSC. Aizawa really didn't want to involve more people but Yamada convinced him that the more heroes that are involved, the more it could strengthen their own backbone against the Commission and All Might.

With the amount of people in attendance at the meeting, it took a while for everyone to arrive. Since it was after school, the teachers that were to be in attendance all arrived within 10 minutes of each other. Tensei and Enji arrived a bit late due to them needing to finish their patrols. Tsukauchi arrived last since he had the farthest to travel and couldn't take off work at the spur of the moment. However, once everyone did arrive they were all curious about what the meeting was about.

"Good Afternoon to you all." Nezu began, "I hope the day is treating you all well. I thank you for putting aside your busy schedules to attend this meeting." Everyone smiled at the principal silently telling him that it was no problem or inconvenience. "I'm sure we are all curious about the topic of this meeting if it involves 9 pro heroes and the most reputable detective in the area." Enji commented from his place next to Nezu. "Yes, well to put it simply, I have basically declared war on the HPSC as weel as All Might."

The room was dead silent for about a minute before the majority of the occupants let out shocked exclamations and began firing questions at the hybrid principal. Nezu just held up his paws to quiet the room down. "I can see this is coming to you all as a shocking event but it is true. The Commission has finally crossed the line of patience with me and I am requesting your support."

The heroes stared at the hybrid, still in shock, before being pulled back into focus when Tsukauchi asked, "Could you tell us what they did to push you this far? From what I know you're usually lenient with the Commission and All Might." Nezu frowned but nodded his head. "I'm sure the majority of you weren't aware of this but for the last year or so, All Might has been trying to get custody of the nekos, specifically Sun, who are in Aizawa and Yamada's care."

All the pros other than Yamazawa, Ryo, and Enji looked shocked but couldn't say anything before the hybrid went on explaining. "Well what none of you know outside of Aizawa and Yamada, as the parents of the nekos, is that first of all, the Commission has been trying to convince me to give them custody of the nekos as well. After denying both All Might and the Commission, they ultimately had the bright idea to team up.

A few days ago, I got a call from the Commission President telling me the nekos were accepted into the HPSC's hero program and their custody was to be turned over to them. Likewise, All Might would handle Sun's training personally as he seeks out the neko as his successor. I denied the Commission again and told them they couldn't accept the nekos without parental consent and that I highly doubted they would be able to obtain that contest from either of the nekos' parents."

Other than Aizawa, Yamada, and Enji, every adult in the room was gapping at the hybrid's explanation. They were all trying to wrap their heads around how corrupted the number one hero and the HPSC could be. They knew that All Might was overly confident and had a very large ego, they also knew that the HPSC definitely had secrets they kept from both heroes and the public eye; but, they couldn't believe either would go this far just to get two young boys who were still recovering trauma survivors.

As the heroes wrapped their heads around the revelation, the number two hero was having problems controlling his flames. They flickered erratically and the smoke that accumulated as he was mentally putting the flames out, rose quickly. Aizawa flashed his eyes at the heroes and the larger hero took a few deep breaths to calm his rage, thankful for the Erasure hero's help. He nodded his thanks, which was received and returned, before turning his attention to the small hybrid beside him.

"Nezu, I am going to ask bluntly because it is getting unimaginable hard to control my flames at the moment. Why the hell was I not informed about the Commission's most recent interest in my- er, in Moon? You had informed me previously about their knowledge about him but this is much larger than just knowing about him." Nezu gave the hero a regretful look, "I'm sorry Enji. I know Aizawa, Yamada, or I should have informed you but it's been quiet chaotic these last few months between All Might and the nekos school. Aside from that the Commission has only become a real problem a couple of weeks ago."

Enji just frowned, not happy with the answer but willing to accept it nonetheless. "Nezu?" Nemuri spoke up, "Do the nekos know?" Nezu just shook his head and Aizawa spoke up to take over the verbal response, "They have not been made aware of the problems, and Zashi and I have tried our best to keep All Might far away from them. He and the Commission want to force both nekos into the Hero world but outside of imaginative hero play with their friends, neither has expressed any want to become a hero in the future."

All of the heroes had a smile grace their faces at the mention of the nekos having friends. "Who are their friends?" Ishiyama (Cementos) asked. Yamada had a blinding smile on his face as he told his friends and coworkers about Katsuki and Hitoshi and how the group of boys had been getting along swimmingly. "Hitoshi has a few social problems so he can relate to the nekos in terms of their social anxiety and Katsuki, while having a brash and loud personality, is very good and comforting and being aware when any of them get overwhelmed."

"Obviously I can't disclose anything personal but when I've had my appointment with them, they definitely talk highly about the two other boys" Ryo pointed out. Hearing about the nekos being about the enjoy some aspect of their late-arriving childhood soothed the burning embers in the hearts of the heroes, literally for Enji and metaphorically for all others.

"Yes, well before we continue talking about the nekos improvements, can I get all of your words that you will stand by the nekos against the Commission and All Might?" Nezu piped up. "Of Course Nezu. Those two have gone through hell, and they don't deserve to go through another like it." Tensei spoke up with the echo of agreement from the other pros. "Those bastards at the Commission and the buffoon of a number one will never get their hands on Sun or Moon." Enji growled out protectively.

"Enji?" Yamada called out quietly. The hero turned his gaze to the vocal hero. What none of the others had noticed was that since Enji had stumbled over his address of Moon, Yamada, and Aizawa had been deep in a non-verbal discussion about it. "You can address Moon as your son if you'd like. I know we took custody of him as a precaution and a necessity, but he is still your son by blood." Enji looked at the hero with wide eyes. He could feel his breath hitch and thankful tears forming in his eyes.

The flame hero launched from his seat and faced the hero couple. He bowed low, "Thank you both!" The two heroes looked on in surprise at the large reaction. They didn't think it would be this big of a deal but then again, they could understand slightly Enji's appreciation. "You can tell your kids that they can still address Moon as their brother as well. Of course, they should ask Moon if they can first since it is ultimately up to him, but when talking about him to others they can." Enji nodded sharply, grateful for the two heroes.

Ever since the nekos had been rescued and the Todoroki's found out that their youngest was alive, they had been trying to get closer to the boy. When Aizawa and Yamada took custody of the dual-colored neko, the family was very tense and had slowly been trying to adjust to the knowledge that the neko was part of another family. The fact that Aizawa and Yamada weren't trying to block out the Todoroki's relations with the youngest moved Enji greatly with appreciation.

"Now, with the impending conflict with All Might and the Commission addressed, I simply ask a favor of each of you that you look out for the nekos and their safety. Aside from that the main part of this meeting is concluded so if you need to leave you may, if not we can continue to discuss what has come of the nekos." Nezu concluded as he clamped his hands, extremely pleased with how the meeting ended.


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