Last Straw

305 12 62

Third POV

As Aizawa was organizing his papers on his desk, he glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. He sighed in relief as the clock showed 3:43 pm. Only, 2 minutes before the bell at Aldera would ring. There was a sense of relief coursing through Aizawa when looking at the time. All 4 teens had made it through the day without having to press the emergency button Aizawa had given them. While Aizawa assumed that Katsuki and Shoto wouldn't have pressed it out of worry for themselves but rather for Izuku or Hitoshi, Aizawa was relieved nonetheless when he never got any call to action.

As he finished cleaning up his papers and straightening out his desk, Aizawa thought about what was to be done for the rest of the day. He would go grab Hizashi and the two would drive the 10 minutes it took to get to the hell school that was Aldera. They would be there as the group of 4 walked through the gates of the school. They would celebrate the last first day of Aldera going well and Hizashi even had planned a surprise by ordering a half dozen customized cupcakes for tonight. The Bakugo's and Shinsho's were going to come over for a celebratory dinner.

Almost rudely, a loud alarm sound rang from Aizawa's phone, shaking him from his thoughts. The hero glared at his phone for less than a second before his face morphed into one of shock and disbelief. He quickly looked back up at the clock, 3:45 pm, the bell at Aldera had just rung so what in the world could have happened?! Aizawa practically threw the rest of his desk's contents into his bag and rushed out the door and down the hall, toward the teacher's lounge where Hizashi was waiting for him.

He had almost reached the lounge when the door he was reaching for slammed open and he was faced with the disheveled form of his husband. They stood there for a second looking at each other, silently questioning if the other's alarm went off. "It's Sun's," was all Hizashi said in his panic. Aizawa looked even more worried as he hadn't even looked at who had set off their alarm before racing to get to his husband. That panic increased ten-fold when not a second after Hizashi muttered those words their alarms went off again, but this time from multiple signals.

Both adults looked down at their phones, the screens mirroring each other as the notifications alerted that Hitoshi had set off his alarm followed by Shoto and Katsuki. Hizashi choked as he took a panicked gasp. The blond raised his head and with scared tears forming in his eyes, raced after Aizawa as he took off down the hall. The two made it to their car in record time and as Hizashi put the car in drive, Aizawa called Tsukauchi to let them know to meet them at the school. Tsukauchi had also gotten the alert so he told Aizawa that he was leaving now.

The entire ride to the school was filled with worried thoughts and concerned curses. Both Aizawa and Hizashi couldn't imagine what had happened at the school. It seems like a coincidence that Izuku's alert came as the last bell of the day rang, but even more so that the other teen's alerts came only a minute after and all at once. The two heroes had concluded that something had happened to Izuku or at least the neko was at the center of the emergency, but neither could imagine what kind of trouble the neko was in. Their worst thought was that there was a villain attack but there were no reports and no call for hero service in the area.

When they arrived at the school, it didn't appear as if there was anything amiss so the trouble was definitely inside the school. Avoid all the other parents trying to pick up their kids, Hizashi swerved to park in front of the school. Before the car had stopped, Aizawa was flying out of his seat and into the building; Hizashi followed only a minute later. When they entered the building the front desk receptionist tried to calm them down and keep them in the front office to wait for their kids, but neither hero was having it. They flashed their hero badges at her and moved around her.

They would have gone straight to the Principal's office, but the emergency buttons had a tracker that placed the whole group in a classroom. The problem was that this wasn't a classroom that was on any of their schedules, so why were they all in there? As they got closer to the classroom a cacophony of noise started to be pieced together. They could hear a combination of growling, yelling, crying, Katsuki's explosions, and just straight chaotic fighting. All of the noise caused the two adults to move even faster and as they rounded the corner they could see teachers and students alike crowding the entryway of the classroom.

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