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Cadence makes a mad dash back to the president's building, thankfully not getting us pulled over in the process. I keep my head low as we exit her vehicle, my sunglasses and mask on with my hood covering my head. Much to my pleasure, there are no flashing lights or cameras around, but I remain incognito just in case. The only sound coming from us as we make our way into the building are the wheels on both my suitcases and the clacking of Cadence's heels. For someone in heels, she picks up speed.

We walk through the halls with a purpose, wanting to get me out of sight and settled in sooner rather than later. Cadence politely greets any and all passerbys but remains glued to my side with one of my suitcases trailing behind her. I don't know which part of the building we're in at this point, as we've been speed walking for what feels like ten minutes before we finally get to the door that leads to the residential side. I sigh in relief, feeling a little bit of my stress melt away with the security that this side in particular will give me.

Cadence walks me to a guest room so that I'm able to drop off my things until Taehyung is out of emergency planning. I don't hesitate in face planting into the bed and releasing a scream once I hear her closing the door. It feels good to let that out, but it still doesn't calm my heart that's been beating like crazy all day.

"I don't blame you." Cadence chuckles. I feel the bed dip beside me and I roll over the opposite way to face her. "We're gonna get you through this, Pri."

"What the hell is going on?" I huff. I feel like I keep asking that question, but I'm still in shock. "How does this even happen?"

"It happens more often than you think. It's just that it happened to you & Taehyung this time." She sighs. "I'm so sorry, Pri. This is the last thing that any of us wanted for the both of you. But it isn't all bad."

"But right now it is."

Cadence positions herself and is now laying on her side; like we used to do growing up. She grabs my free hand, interlocking her fingers with mine and I smile very softly.

"Okay, let's unpack." She begins. "You're dating the president, and now the world is aware of it. You can do one of, I don't know, 3 things."

"Which are?"

"Embrace it and just kind of ignore paps when you're out, or accept it but hide out most of the time."

There's a bit of a pause and I furrow my brows. "And the third?"

"Scrap the third idea. Don't worry about it."

"The third would be to leave Taehyung, wouldn't it." I say as a statement. Cadence sighs and that gives me my answer. "I'm not doing that."

"And that's why it's a scraped idea. I know how much you really care for him." She smiles. "I know you'll make the best decision for yourself."

I nod, giving her hand a squeeze. "Thank you."

"No problem."

There's knocking on the door that makes us both jump a bit, and we sit up as the door opens. Someone peaks their head in, frowning a bit and saying, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"

"No." Cadence stands, beginning to walk toward the mystery woman at the door. "Just getting her settled a bit. Ready for me?"

"Yes." The woman opens the door more so that she is fully visible. She looks me up and down before giving her attention back to my best friend. "Mr. President's mind has been... Elsewhere. He's been wanting to hear that you made it back to the building."

"This guy." Cadence smirks. She turns to me with the same look. "That man really likes you."

I feel my face heat up and my stomach forming knots, all the while, I try holding in my smile. "Ya think so?"

Mr. President >kth au<Where stories live. Discover now