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Priya's POV

It's been almost 2 months since Taehyung and I have started dating. It's as if we began moving so fast, but then slowed down to get to know each other better. He's a very busy man with only so much time to casually date. After all, he is running the country.

Finishing up my shift at the hotel where I'm a receptionist, I quickly punch out and make a mad dash to my car. Taehyung invited me over for dinner and I'm so excited. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks, due to his press conferences and visits. I want to try to look presentable, at least, and not show up in my work clothes.

Going home to change out of my work clothes. Be over as soon as I can! 😊

President Babe 🥵:
Can't wait to see you 🥰

I smile to myself as I set my phone down and put my car in drive. After my 15-minute trip, I'm zooming through my house to find decent enough clothes. It's just a casual dinner so I can get away with a cami, paired with a cardigan and my leggings. After I dress, I touch up my eyeliner and mascara a bit.

I lock up my house and turn to see an all blacked out sedan. I walk toward the vehicle, already knowing why it's here. I'm expecting to see a man in a black suit and ear piece step out, but my eyes go wide when it's Taehyung stepping out of the car. I rush over to him, embracing him tightly- and then shoving him toward the driver side where he stepped out from.

He chuckles as I struggle to get him to get back in the car. "Seriously, Taehyung! Why did you come get me?"

"Because I wanted to." He replied as if it were obvious.

"You know who you are." I roll my eyes. "You didn't even think to wear a bucket hat or something to at least attempt to hide your identity?"

"Who's going to see me?" Taehyung chuckles again, putting his weight down so I can't move him at all. "Priya, calm down. It's fine."

I huff in frustration, but it all blows away when his lips find mine. I haven't felt these soft lips in 2 weeks. I don't even care that he's out here in the middle of the street kissing me because I've missed him. And I can tell he's missed me. Slowly pulling away, I bite my lip to hide the smile that's threatening to creep on my lips.

"Okay, fine. I've missed you." I give in, wrapping my arms around his neck as his snake around my waist.

"I've missed you, too. It's been a long 2 weeks with so much work. You were the only thing on my mind."

My cheeks heat up at his words and I can't help but to smile now. I'm smitten. Taehyung looks down between us as my stomach growls and I'm ready to stand further in the street to wait on a bus to hit me.

"Hungry?" He asks, displaying that beautiful boxy smile.

"I'd be lying if I said no."

"Come on. By the time we get back, dinner should be prepared."


We decide that after the amazing dinner we had that we would paint. Inside his in-home art studio, I tie my hair high and take off my cardigan. Goosebumps rise over my skin as the cool air hits my arms. Taehyung kicks his slip-on shoes off and takes off his zip-up hoodie, now left in his  white baggy tee and army green pants. He dresses so comfortably in his baggy clothes when he's just home lounging around. I love seeing his chill, relaxed side. It brings me to the reality that I'm not just dating the president, but an actual, normal person. He just happens to have an extraordinary job.

"Okay." Taehyung points to one of the empty walls. "I have no what to put here."

"Neither do I." I laugh. "I didn't know we would be painting the wall."

He nods with a smile. "I planned for the walls to be a freestyle focal point. So whatever you can think of, just explode on this wall."

He passes me a brush and I think to myself. What can I possibly think of to draw on this here wall? With more thinking, I decide on recreating the painting my dad made. Dream Glow. The one in my picture on the dating app. Taehyung has every color I need, so I space out into my artist zone.

Before I know it, a replica of the piece is on a section of Taehyung's wall. I step back to admire my work, noticing some colors mixing in from what he's painting. When I take a good look, I notice it's The Moon's Shadows. I smile as the 2 pieces somehow come together to make one big mural of my dad's works.

Once Taehyung finishes adding the last few white specks, he turns to me with a smile. "I don't know how that managed to work with me merging mine with yours, but I think it looks great."

"I does." I smile back, nodding in agreement and closing the gap between us. "What made you want to do that one?"

"It's the first piece that we went in depth with that made me want to get to know you. What about you?" His arms goes strings around my waist and I feel tingles as his fingers lightly ghost over the bit of exposed skin.

"Oh, it's what was in my picture on the app where I met you. So it brings back that happy time."

Taehyung turns me to directly face him and he smiles. I take it upon myself to lean in for a kiss and flutter my eyes shut when I see him moving in as well. With a smirk now on my face, I take the red paint on the brush in my hand and swipe it over his mouth. I laugh loudly as he fake gasps and pouts.

"Aw, don't be like that." I laugh more and he joins in. I let my guard down a little too much when a feel a wet paint brush with blue paint glide across my lips now. "Taehyung!"

Now, we're both laughing almost to the point of tears as we now are trying to paint each other different colors. Our faces, arms, and tops now have an assortment of colors on them. I don't know how much paint was just wasted on us having a whole paint fight, but we don't seem to care as we're enjoying each other's time. Taehyung disposes of the brush and lays his palms flat in the paint tray, getting blue to cover his hands entirely.

"Absolutely not!" I yell while laughing as he begins to chase me. His deep laugh has gone up an octave, almost sounding child like. It's so beautiful to hear from him and I could listen to it all day. With my minor distraction of his laugh, I'm now being cornered at the opposite side of the room. I throw my hands up in surrender. "Okay okay! You win!"

Taehyung chuckles, clicking his tongue. "Nope. I haven't yet."

He quickly grabs my face and I fake scoff. "You did now. My face is blue now."

"But your lips aren't purple."


Before I can even think about what he said, he presses his lips to mine. I notice about this kiss, though, that its hungrier than a normal kiss that we have. My face is pulled even closer as the two colors on our lips mix. I catch myself gasping and Taehyung using that to his advantage to slide his tongue into my mouth. I giggle while feeling completely above the clouds with this man. Deep down, I want him in all ways. And one of those ways is slowly creeping to the surface.

He pulls away from the kiss slowly, both of us panting hard for breath. I chuckle looking at the purple smeared on his lips and I assume that why he's chuckling at me. He looks into my eyes and I could just about go weak at my knees. There's a sexual tension building, and I cross my legs to maybe help stop the heat from spreading. What is he doing to me?

"Would you like to come into my bedroom?"


Hi! Anybody want smut? If so, next chapter its on like Donkey Kong! 😘 hope you enjoyed a bit of fun this chapter 💜


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