26 feb 2022

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ive never felt at home. i do remember the last time i did though. 12 years ago in Afghanistan. i remember driving to my moms old house, when we arrived our family was singing and dancing out of happiness. they opened their arms and took us in, everyone being happy. my mom told me how she also took us outside on a walk, ate a delicious afghan dish with us at dawn, and told us many things. the same place now being destroyed, the same people now being killed, the same memory now fading away. i wish i would have stayed there, would have been happy there. i wish my country would still be as beautiful as it once was, free from the bombs that europe and the US throws at us and just filled with happiness. i wish i could have had the opportunity to have a childhood in my own country, grow up with my culture and know my own language. i wish i still had the family that was killed. i wish it was all just easier. i don't have any words to describe my thoughts nor feelings. Ya Allah.

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